The jury, composed of Pako Aristi, Mari Jose Olaziregi, Jon Martin, Asier Serrano and Katixa Agirre, has highlighted the “formal courage” of Jaio’s novel and the “skill of the author to express the emotions and contradictions of human beings”.
On the other hand, the jury has considered it necessary for poetry and theater to have their own prizes, separated from the narrative, in order to maintain a balance between the literary genre.
In the section on children's and youth literature, the prize has been for Iñigo Astiz for his work Joemak eta polasak. This book, produced with images by the artist Maite Mutuberria, has managed to bring poetry to children in an original and fun way.
Miren Asiain, in the category of illustration of literary works, has also been awarded for her work in the book A million oysters on the top of the mountain.
The prizes are awarded with 18,000 euros per person awarded and 4,000 euros more if the work is published in another language.
Gauza arraroak gertatzeko posibilitateak atzo guztiz agortu zirela sinetsita, igo gara ba gaur arratsaldean ere Durangoko Azokako antolatzaileek Landako gunean utzi diguten mahaira, behingoz kontu arruntak kontatzen dituen artikulu bat idazteko prest gure kulturaren alfa eta... [+]
Asteazken honetan jakinarazi dituzte literaturako Euskadi Sarietan falta ziren kategorietako irabazleak: Eider Rodriguezek aurtengo bigarren saria eskuratu du, oraingoan haur eta gazte literaturari eskainitako kategorian, Santa familia liburuari esker.
Eider Rodriguezen Bihotz handiegia ipuin-liburuak irabazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak ematen duen Euskadi Saria. Asier Serrano buru izan duen epaimahaiak nabarmendu du liburuak nola aztertzen duen "pertsonaia arrunt eta konplexuen izaera eta horien barne-mundua".
Euskadi Literatur Sarien aurtengo edizioko azken irabazleak zein diren jakinarazi du Eusko Jaurlaritzak, haur eta gazte literatura eta itzulpenaren arlokoak.