High Karabakh Prime Minister Nikol Paxinian announced on Monday night on social media that he was forced to accept a very painful peace treaty. It was then the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who announced the impeachment of Mubarak. Finally, the television appearance of Russian President Vladimir Putin has sealed a peace agreement signed between the three countries.
The fact that Vladimir Putin has read the strokes of the treaty indicates that this peace will be strengthened in the face of the previous stresses: the line of separation between the armies of both countries will now be fixed on the one that marks the front, a security corridor that will be guarded by the military of the Russian federation, each of the parties will hand over the bodies of the prisoners, wounded and killed to the other party and will arrange for the return of the Nation.
The truce has come a few hours after Armenian military and volunteers have lost to Azerbaijani troops, the second largest city in Upper Karabakh, Susa. The Armenians were also at risk of losing the capital, Stepanakert, which is 14 kilometres away. If the ceasefire gets cold next night, the two sides face a hard business period to shape the future of Karabakh Garaia. Azerbaijan will resume the negotiations in a much more favourable position than it had at the beginning of the war.
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