It is enough to recall that the company Verter Recycling, the manager of this scar, gained almost EUR 9 million in the last six years until 2018. And all this with the complicity of the administration, which leaves the private sector to wash its hands what is a public health problem, the landfill problem.
This waste from Zaldibar is therefore capitalism. Verter Recycling realized there were cracks in the landfill and did nothing to remedy it. As a result, two workers have been buried and have caused the greatest environmental disaster of recent times. But these waste also belongs to a capitalist administration, which has not controlled the safety of this landfill and has endangered the lives of the workers and Ertzaines who came to the rescue amid the murderous asbestos.
As the relatives of the buried workers report, "avarice has linked to a company created by unscrupulous men and politicians linked to corrupt acronyms, which have been understood in a wonderful way". It is logical to say that for them it is “murder” and they have their hands “stained with blood”.
It is the same capitalism, which killed five workers fighting in Vitoria on March 3, 1976 by the Spanish Franco government, in defense of an agreement to achieve a dignified life with strikes and assemblies as weapons. In both cases, responsibilities are pending. And that's urgent.
Visiting urban waste collection and reduction sites should be a compulsory school tour. Open a cookie pack to swallow two inner cookies and mentally construct the package surface path. The shame of human activity lies in destiny. Ultimate desolate landscape of the sins of... [+]
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