The objectives of these meetings have been to strengthen the foundations and functioning of the Union Housing Network of the Basque Country. "In the face of the umpteenth offensive of the capital we go through, we are aware that we have a young woman on top; in the face of what comes, to defend our lives (houses), a well-armed network is essential."
The Housing Union Network of Hego Euskal Herria is a network that is in its beginnings and whose stay in Ziordia has served to further refine its structure and organization and strengthen its relationship.
The talks, workshops and tables on Saturday dealt with different topics: "We address the issue of small tenants, we talk about collaborative networks, and we also talk about working at the neighborhood level within a city. In addition to these points, there was scope for dealing with issues such as the fight against immigration, the internal structure of the unions, internal cohesion, the concrete conflicts currently under way..." In the afternoon, they reflected on the keys to the creation of a market, formed in resistance to eviction and deepened communication. On Sunday, the network itself, the internal organization of trade unions, the political struggle and the trade union struggle were analysed.
Ziordia, another milestone on the road
On 29-30 October last year, the first union meetings of housing in Hego Euskal Herria were held in the Dorrekoa Basque Camps in Goñi. "Goñi's meetings were the starting point for working nationally and together, as their organization was the first shared challenge."
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