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Postponed trial against Greenpeace members who denounced Caparroso's macro-finance

  • Greenpeace took this action in March 2021, in Navarre, against the Great Farm of the Valley of Odiet. The Macrohacienda accuses ecologists of 79 calf diseases, now the Greenpeace defense has submitted a veterinary report that denies the complaint and the trial has been postponed for lack of time for the expert to analyze the report.

24 October 2024 - 15:19
Last updated: 16:44
Greenpeaceko ekintzaileak Caparrosoko makroetxaldean. Greenpeace

This Wednesday the ruling against eight members of Greenpeace for their action against the Kaparrotsuu macro-estate in 2021 has begun. The judgment has been given in the Criminal Court No. 1 of Navarra and the Public Prosecutor’s Office asks for nine months in jail and fourteen months in fine, for a total of 4,200 euros.

According to the Diario de Noticias de Navarra, the trial has begun with difficulties, as in the opening of the oral hearing there was no subsidiary civil liability for the conviction of Greenpeace. The judgment is also postponed until 11 November because the defendants’ defence has submitted a veterinary report that denies the company’s report and has not had time to examine the experts. The Greenpace people are the last to speak and have not had time to speak.

World Water Day Action

The trial of Greenpeace members took place on March 22, 2021, World Water Day. The activists drew nitrate-contaminated water from the Aragon River from the macrofarm Valle de Odieta and then dumped a thousand liters into a well of the macrofarm. As ecologists explained, they wanted to highlight “the bad practices of the macrofarm”. In addition, it calls for “an ambitious nitrate law that kills water pollution” and “the legal brake on industrial livestock”, as industrial livestock “is one of the main causes of the global problem”.

They say the cows got sick because of the action

Members of the Valle de Odieta recalled that the day after the environmental storm they had to call a veterinarian because several animals had become sick, especially the bulls they pasted in the area where the action took place. Ecologists broke the walls and now macro-defendants accuse cows of causing stress in the area. The puppies, as the members of the company explained, were beaten against the wall and beat each other, causing the stress that put 79 animals sick with dehydration and belly. Faced with this, the defense attorney asked them and replied that there were no cases of cholera among the 7,200 cows. “Yes, of course. The usual thing is that 2-3% of cows a month have diseases, but this time it has been remarkable,” said Odiet Valley President Alberto Guerendiain.

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