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Back to the outside

17 November 2023 - 12:39

Entry abroad

Txalo Producciones

When: 13 November, Sunday

Where: Casa de cultura Zalerdi de Mutriku


On the table, under a large cloth, you can see the bars of a rigid structure. But nothing inside. The fabric is dark and light is weak. Although it does not have a defined geometric shape, at the top it reveals a kind of cage. What is inside? It appears on stage and soon Xabin Fernández Zubeldia breaks the silence: “With all of you… human immunodeficiency virus.” And there's the VIRUS that, dressed in red, goes up and down inside the red cage Intza Alkain.

No metaphors, no interpretative spaces, no games of words and hidden meaning characteristic of theater. Honestly and aloud, the protagonist of the show begins to undress from the first moment: “I’m Xabin Fernández Zubeldia. Born 24 December. Left, homosexual and seropositive”.

On March 11, 2013, Xabin discovered he was HIV-positive by phone. Hence the story begins. The play is a sincere and fun review of the thoughts that Xabin has tortured for ten years. Xabin rolls her raw experiences with humor. The story is guided by the dialogue about HIV and Xabin, as they leave the cage. The work is a story of overcoming, a dramatic reality brought to the absurd. Shame, guilt, anger and ignorance. Everything has been suffered by Xabin in the last decade and is now demonstrating them on the table. Intza Alkain is a bug that makes a counterpoint to Xabin's talk.

Xabin started the Kanpo sartu play to break stigma and suffocating silence. I think he has done a very courageous exercise. It says therapeutics as well. Talk about HIV without tobacco to break some myths about the disease. Xabin has a human immunodeficiency virus. However, he was diagnosed in time and has not developed AIDS and cannot transmit the virus by the pills he takes daily. As the play progresses, the viewer receives this kind of slap.

Tangled in the emotional whirlwind, Xabin feels out of her mind for the past decade. He has recognised this to the public. He wears into this play and dares to enter the outside again. Without escape, without AIDS and peacefully with HIV. Ten years after the call that tormented her life, Xabin Fernández Zubeldia returns through the interior of the house to the outside of the street.


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