Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

ERNAI Steals Spanish Flag of Champion Civil Guard Headquarters

  • On 12 October, the youth organization of the left Abertzale ERNAI stole the Spanish flag from the headquarters of the Civil Guard of Campezo (Álava). The young people who participated in the action wrote on their walls: "We don't accept you."

13 October 2020 - 15:58
Argazkia: Ernai

The action took place during the night, as you can see in the video that Ernai has hung on his Twitter account. Under the motto "we do not accept you", they also painted on the wall of the barracks and painted the facade red. On Monday, Sortu and ERNAI organized acts and events throughout the Basque Country, under the slogan "nothing to celebrate".


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The City of Lemoa will not again lift the Francoist cross of Mount Lemoatx
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ERNAI launches the Francoist symbol of Lemoatxa on the eve of Columbus Day
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2020-10-28 | ARGIA
Sixteen people declare in Pamplona on Columbus Day by symbolic decapitation of Philip VI.ri and Colón
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2020-10-12 | ARGIA
Sortu burns the images of Philip VI.aren and Christopher Columbus against Columbus Day
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2020-10-12 | ARGIA
Streets of the Navarros colonizers Armendaritz and Ursua renew in Pamplona
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Zuritasunaren festa

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Urriak 12, Elkano eta inperialismo espainiarra

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