The Kanaky Islands are becoming more and more populated, but the electoral rolls remain in the last decade. Paris does not want to update the census because it does not want to give more weight to the Canacas, as the advocates of the independence of the islands point out. The majority of Kanaky is calling for the renewal of the census, but last week the French National Assembly approved a new reform to further tighten the situation: whoever wants to vote in the elections will have to live at least ten years in the Kanaky Islands.
The protests began last week, when the French National Assembly began discussing the new regulations. It was approved on Wednesday morning, which highlighted the anger of much of the population. The protests quickly strengthened and there have been at least four deaths. Emmanuel Macron reported on 15 March that he established a "emergency" situation in the islands.
In the face of gravity, EH Bai and the LAB union have called a rally for Tuesday afternoon, at the Baiona prefix hall, at 19:00. The conveners announce that it will be a photo of support for Kanaky: "The political conflict in Kanaky cannot be resolved forcefully, the French State must lead the decolonization process. To this end, the reform of the electoral list must be immediately cancelled and dialogue must be resumed in the framework of the Noum agreements."
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