The intense heat that has hit southwestern Canada in recent weeks has caused the death of more than one billion marine animals. Water temperature has reached 50º on the Vancouver coast, according to British Columbia University Marine Biologist Christopher Harley, reported to the Guardian newspaper. Mussels, sea stars and other species have died cooked. The disappearance of these animals will have serious repercussions on the ecosystems of the ocean.
The extreme rise in temperatures in recent weeks has caused more than 500 deaths in southwestern Canada and on the western coasts of the United States. The forests of British Columbia are still experiencing major fires. Christopher Harley sees the collapse on the beaches of Vancouver. The animal is full of death.
The mussels, the clams, the snails, the stars of the sea, let's wave and some fish have not been able to cope with the expected temperatures. Mussels can withstand about 30 degrees; percebes are harder, they can withstand temperatures up to 40 degrees. But above that limit and for a long time, Harley has explained that survival is impossible. The Marine Biologist has measured the water temperature with infrared cameras and has pointed out that it has reached 50 degrees. This is a shallow marine environment that has favored abrupt warming.
The disappearance of these animals also affects other species and ecosystems. Mussels and clams filter and wash the water. With transparent water, the sun’s rays can reach the bottom and feed the lower algae. Vegetation is the place of residence of several species, and without missing animals, maintenance will be difficult.
Harvey has said that reaching the situation before they get warm will not be an easy task either. Mussels, for example, can recover their previous state within two years, but other animals will need decades. In addition, meteorologists have warned that similar episodes of heat could occur on the Pacific coast in the coming weeks. According to The Washington Post, the temperature may rise about 25 degrees higher than normal.
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