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"Kamiñazpi's work is therefore everybody's work, and the prize too"

  • In the classification made by the Street Art Cities platform, the work of muralist Lian, located in Kamiñazpi in Ondarroa, has been chosen as the third best in the world.

02 February 2023 - 08:25
Last updated: 2023-02-17 10:54:52
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The Street Art Cities portal recognises muralist Lian, located in Kamiñazpi, as the third best in the world. The author Lian has been “very satisfied” by the recognition, but has especially highlighted the support she has perceived in the people: “What has made me the most illusion has been to receive the support of the people, have been involved. People have been proud and so have I.”

A few months ago, the best murals in the world that have been made in 2022 were published and was chosen among the top 10, then the vote was made and thanks to the votes of the people it has achieved the recognition: “It has been an honor for me to be on the list of the best in the world, to be with artists of an incredible level. In addition, in this world we all know each other and there is no competitiveness between us”. The first place was for Studio Giftig, located in Tilburg (Netherlands). The second prize is the work of Martin Ron, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

First prize winner: Studio Giftig (Netherlands)
Second rated: Martin Ron (Argentina)
Third rated: Lian (Ondarroa)

The work of Kamiñazpi recognizes the reilling women, according to the mural “For centuries, the women of Ondarroa have assumed the most important aspects of life in the village, the mural you are seeing is a tribute to many of them.” Being a work that reveals the identity of a people, its recognition worldwide has been remarkable, being a message that goes from local to global. “This mural cannot be located anywhere else, it is an indicator of the identity of the people, it is inspired by the people and it is their reflection. Therefore, since it is something strongly linked to the people, its recognition worldwide has been special.”

With the award the name and work of the muralist Lian will be announced worldwide, the artist has received a recognition, but he has wanted to recognize the people: “For me receiving the prize is an honor, but it is not just my work. The mural belongs to everyone, therefore, also the prize”.

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