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Kamasi Washington: Being big isn't enough

  • The Saturday was one of the great days of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival, with Ambrose Akinmusire, Makaya McCraven and Kamasi Washington. In Mendizorroza, full of African-American demands, we have seen first-line jazz musicians in two variants: Beautiful McCraven and boring Washington.

22 July 2019 - 14:24
Kamasi Washington-en taldea Gasteizen. Argazkia: Gasteizko Jazzaldia
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

McCraven has given the starting signal at night, with the mountaineering virtually full. McCraven makes sampler a base, which makes his music special. Develop jazz with electronics strategies. I behaved well. Throughout the concert there was a rhythmic development, without being repetitive, and discovering new textures at every moment.

Accustomed to experimenting, the battery offered a great concert with alone and impressive rhythms. When the band leader is the battery, there's something that attracts me to music. The rhythm becomes indisputable and everyone wins, everyone has their part easier.

Their musicians are not so well known, perhaps, but they form a compact band. In addition to doing theirs, Chicago musicians have paid attention and time to the other: On the guitar Matt Gold, on bass Junius Paul, on pianos Greg Spero and on the saxo Irvin Piece. Everyone has respected their times and given the right tone at night, even when the five have improvised juntos.De pass, I especially saw Gold, if anyone wants to follow.

Kamasi Washington is the night star, and almost the edition of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival. He witnessed the applause received at the entrance. They’ve started the concert with their latest work “Tiffakonkae” and they’ve developed ten minutes of energy and energy. They then played the “Malcolm’s Theme” of Terrence Blanchard, singer Patrice Queen screaming up, crying: “I repeat, African Americans!”

By then, a third of the concert had already passed, which seemed exciting, starting to be repetitive. And it didn’t get much better when they played the giant feelings, trying to play Soula and R’n’B, as the group has almost been released to the pope. They seem to want to surprise the hobby: The exaggerated use of the wahwah of the immense double bass player Miles Mosley, the only of the two drums as “gallo dema”, the vocoder, the Latin rhythms... Well, most of us are eager to be surprised, and unfortunately music has been covered by noise.

Washington came to Vitoria-Gasteiz as the “great icon” of 21st century jazz. In addition to mixing styles with mastery, in 2015 it was presented with a three-hour album, with a work by The Epic, which was a complete fix success. Since then, he has received critical and public flowers around the world and has received numerous titles (including the jazz savior). That's why we expected more.


Because being big is not everything. And you'd have to be very careful before anyone became a symbol of the 21st century. There is no doubt that it is able to create magical moments and to move music to high levels. But, despite making the albums enjoy, the direct has been an excess of their offer.

They ended the concert with “Fists of Fury”, to give a more dignified end to an edition of the Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival.

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