The workers of Petronor, UTE Bilboko Argiak, PCB, Novaltia and Tubacex have jointly expressed themselves on 18 June in the Basque capital. They have denounced the precariousness and redundancies of jobs affecting the five and have demanded responsibility from companies and the public administration. The march started at 10:00 hours from the EITB headquarters and ended at the City Hall of the capital.
At the rally on Friday, organizers have called for the rights of the trabajadores.En order they have published to be guaranteed, explaining that their companies have taken advantage of the situation generated by the pandemic to worsen the rights of the working class. On the other hand, they have accused the Spanish Government of allowing the mass redundancies that have occurred in the context of the health emergency. They have recalled that the labor reforms of Rajoy and Zapatero allow collective redundancies to take place in 30 days without public sector control. They have accused the public administration of "unwillingness" to repeal this regulation and have asked the Basque Government to intervene in it.
In all cases, the five companies have held negotiations that have been complicated since the pandemic. In Petronor, 354 workers at the Muskiz plant have been in control since 3 May. In Tubacex, over 110 days are on strike, as the company in Llodio and Amurrio wanted to lay off 129 workers. In Novaltia, the strike has been supported by 20 company workers, who have not reached an agreement to improve their working conditions in the negotiations initiated since July 2019. The bilbain company UTE Argiak has fired a worker and its members have called for her to be re-attended by the incidents. On the other hand, they called for the opening of a process to negotiate the collective agreement with the trade unions. In the case of PCB-ITP, workers have asked for the court ruling to be complied with by ratifying on 31 March the judgment of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country on the readmission of 87 redundant workers in companies in Barakaldo and Sestao.
On 28 May, Tubacex, Petronor, UTE Argiak of Bilbao and PCB joined the joint demonstration together with the H&M company staff. The claim was the same: to respect decent working conditions and to bring lives to the centre. The Petronor workers also joined the demonstration organized by several companies and agents of the Left Margin of Bizkaia on 19 June.
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