The Stop Evictions Association of Gipuzkoa has denounced that Kutxabank Zima Finance has applied in court for an auction of premises and housing of two guarantors. The Association wants to guarantee the permanence of the two neighbors in the housing of the entire life of the Donostia neighborhood of Altza after the annulment of the auction.
In June, Kutxabank demanded the execution of the mortgage against the premises and housing of his pensioner parents, for debts of more than twelve installments, according to the Stop Evictions association. The Real Estate Credit Act allows banks and vulture funds to first request auction and then eviction. In July Kutxabank sold a debt of 2,500 delinquent mortgage loans to the Putre Zima Finance fund for EUR 240 million.
Stop denounced that Kutxabank sold deadly mortgage loans from many Basque families, thus leaving their families "totally defenceless."
“Zorra kitatzearen truke etxea eman nion bankuari 2017an eta eskatu nien bakarra izan zen alokairua ordainduz bertan bizitzen jarraitu ahal izatea”, kontatu zigun Ángel Miguel Medranok. Alokairu sozialean duen errenta 315 eurotik 600era igotzea ere eskaini du,... [+]
Asteazken goizerako zeukan etxe kaleratze agindua Donostiako Ategorrieta kaleko 43. zenbakian bizi den bikote batek. Etxebizitza Azora funts putrearen jabetzakoa izatera pasa ostean alokairua igo zieten, eta ezin izan diote igoerari aurre egin. Goizeko 09:30etik herritarrak etxe... [+]
Etxegabetzeen aurkako mobilizazioei esker, etxegabetze bat gelditzea lortu dute. Hala adierazi du ostiralean Rosa Garciak aktibistak. Halere, oraindik lan asko geratzen dela ohartarazi du. Azken orduetan jakinarazi diete Donostiako Ategorrieta hiribideko 43. zenbakian bizi den... [+]