Kalejira has been convened by the Association of Parents of Makuma Pupils of the Mujika School, considering that the problems of the school persist. They will transfer their requests to the City Hall of Bilbao through a mobilization that will start at 16:15 from the school.
The problems they have listed are several: On the one hand, they have leaks, and when it rains, they form wells. Instead, when it's hot, as the ceiling is uralite, you get to 37 degrees and teachers are forced to water the children. As for space, the number of registrations has increased and remains at high levels, as children have problems entering the classrooms and the dining room. In the dining room, although in principle it would be necessary to do two shifts, three shifts are made, considerably reducing the meal time of the students and “putting six children in the room”.
In addition, they lack outside courtyards and, when it is time to enter school, if there is no presence of the Municipal Police, vehicles pass through there that put children at risk. Faced with this problem, the City Hall has intervened, putting pivots in front of the school. One parent has explained that cars go in the same way, putting children at risk when it comes to reversing.
Heldu zaigu EAEn 2025-26 ikasturterako ikastetxeetan matrikula egiteko garaia, eta etxe askotan etxeko txikienak urrats berria emango du hemendik gutxira, irailean, eskolaratzea, alegia. Euskal Eskola Publikoaz Harro Topaguneko kideok apustu sendoa egiten dugu eskola publikoaren... [+]
Araba, Bizkai eta Gipuzkoarako Hezkuntza Lege berria onartu zenetik, aurrerantzean hezkuntza doakoa izango dela behin eta berriro entzuten/irakurtzen ari gara. Eragile desberdinei entzun diegu, baita Hezkuntza Sailari ere, eta hedabideei eskaintzen dizkiegun elkarrizketatan... [+]
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From the Association of Parents of the Instituto Arratia Small Tram we want to encourage reflection on the use of screens in the learning community.
Lately there is a lot of concern about the impact of screens on children and adolescents. This responsibility extends from... [+]
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