On 5 February, Donostia Antton Troitiño, with a "serious and incurable" disease, left the Estremera of Madrid and was released on parole. ETXERAT has shown its "full support" and "solidarity" to the express and its relatives, to whom it has sent an institutional declaration.
Last January, the Supervisory Court of the Spanish National Court granted him the third grade at the request of Garzón’s defense. However, the Treatment Committee of Estremera Prison began a new procedure, that of parole, about to materialize. After exhaustion of all deadlines in the two proceedings, the Donostiarra has left prison by not opposing the prosecutor to the request for imprisonment.
The first symptoms of the disease appeared in April of last year and since then has not received any dignified care from the prisoner. Among other things, he was not treated until September. Also at the end of January he refused to undergo chemotherapy due to the prison conditions, as "he was not entirely viable to follow the treatment, both physically and anímically, because the conditions of imprisonment are insurmountable".
Troitiño had to spend more than 30 years in prison. He was arrested in 1987 and remained in prison for more than 24 years. He went to the streets in 2011, after having served his entire sentence, but a few days later, in application of the Parot doctrine, he was arrested again. In 2012 he was arrested in London, where she was extradited and arrested by the Prosecutor’s Office. The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) annulled the Parot doctrine and the Westminster Court rejected the extradition request, which was rejected. However, he was arrested again in London in December 2016 and spent several months in a detention centre for people without papers, until he was extradited to Spain in May 2017. From then on, the Donostiarra was in prison by court order.
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