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Testimonies of young migrants living on the street, documentary to open their eyes

  • Oussama, Amine, Ayoub, Es Said, Ahmed, Meriem, Youssef, Zakaria… are the protagonists of the documentary On the Street, which talks about its treatment with the police and traders, its difficulties to work and get the rent and its hard life on the street, among other issues. They want to provoke reflection and shake consciences.

28 July 2022 - 10:07
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

Spanish documentary that collects testimonies from young migrants who live or have lived on the street in San Sebastián. It is brief and behind the project are SOS Racism de Gipuzkoa, the Donostia Reception Network, The Invisible Hand and the Esperanto producer.

Always shoulder backpack

Youssef says he came under a truck, when he started working as an electrician, “to get out of the wheels of the centers and help for minors”, Meriem’s dream is that Ayoube wanted to keep moving forward in Europe, but the French Police made him return to the Spanish state, and Oussama realizes that there are people who are still surprised when told they live in the street, that the young people do not. The documentary talks about police abuse, the need to work, the lack of respect, the obstacles imposed on them by law, the street life that has pushed several people to use drugs, the racist owners who deny them the rental, etc., making visible the harsh reality around us. Most of them come from North Africa or from sub-Saharan countries.

In the words of SOS Racism, the documentary tries to empathize with their social, family and emotional situation, put them on their skin and make them think about what can be improved. Many actions have already been taken and it has been the young people themselves who have participated in some of them, giving way to enriching talks. The documentary has now been exhibited on the Internet, knowing the reality of these young people “to combat xenophobia and prejudices generated by discrimination”.


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