The members of Jarki have called a demonstration to start activating the workers of Euskal Herria in the call they have transferred to ARGIA because "the manifestation is the exercise of this democratic right".
They want to stress that Euskal Herria has been in a "serious predicament" due to COVID-19, that there have been front-line workers facing the disease and that these are the ones who have faced the pandemic. At the same time, they denounce that during this period, "under the pressure of the capitalists responsible for the current and painful situation of the health system, despite the confinement, the working class has had to continue to go to their jobs, risking their health to sustain the profits of the bourgeoisie".
Governments and police forces denounce that the situation has been used to justify their practice, that measures of repression and social control have been normalized that had not been adopted in another context. They also believe that the police are using the crisis to gain recognition of their presence and their actions. "In this way, mass media are also acting with complete diligence and for the benefit of its owners."
In his view, difficult times are coming for the Basque Working People in economic, labour and political terms. "After the health crisis comes the economic crisis and the measures taken by governments have made it clear that the health of workers or nothing is more important than maintaining the profit of the capitalists, with negative consequences for the working class".
"The Basque Working People cannot put forward a mansa position," added the ELA Secretary-General. In his opinion, it is necessary to organize and recover the street, making it clear that "Euskal Herria will not approve or allow to normalize laws that call into question its democratic rights".
Jarki is an organization whose strategic objectives are independence and socialism, created for ideological struggle. They do not arise as a dissent of the Abertzale Left and claim that they are an exceptional agent. The challenge of organizing the working class of Euskal Herria has been raised, and although it was established in 2017, the first public demonstration took place in the Gudari Eguna of 2019 and subsequently on December 6, the day of the Spanish Constitution, it was manifested.
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