Pedro Ayuso was the bishop of San Sebastian, Juan Kruz Mendizabal, named assistant priest of the Kakux church. Following the complaints received, the Church sent him to a monastery and publicly prohibited him by the priest, as well as the presence of minors if there were no adults in the area. However, it seems that in recent years he has held several masses in the Goierri area and will now act as a collaborating priest.
The name is July and, although it has so far gone unnoticed, Goierriko Itaia calls to mobilize "against impunity" of the clergy and the church. On 2 September at 12:30 they will meet in Beasain Bideluze Square under the motto "Liberates from the Church".
Delitua preskribatuta egonik ere, biktimen aitortza bermatuko du legeak. Nafarroako Gobernuko indarrek aurkeztu dute lege proposamena, eta EH Bildu eta Ezkerraren babesa ere izan du. Navarra Sumak, aldiz, kontra bozkatu du.