Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa will be closed at the end of September, if no one takes over

  • It will close at the end of September, the web in Basque to search for contacts, after 17 years of activity. This was announced in a message by its creator, Iñigo Arandia Galarraga, who during these years has worked hard in the management of this resource. In his message, Arandia points out that he is ready to receive follow-up proposals until the end of the year.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

10 September 2024 - 07:34

Valentine's Day came to light on 14 February 2007. Since then, in these 17 years, according to Arandia, "there have been 3 versions of websites: In 2007 Amigo Victor, between Botica and Link, in 2009 and 2015 again made by Lotura and two Android apps, developed by Akting and integrated by Lotura, in 2013 and developed by BinarySoul in 2020. Almost from the beginning, Lotura's friends have been the great developers who have accompanied me in all the developments and adaptations of the web," says Arandia grateful.

In 2015, the website moved to the domain Since then, new initiatives have been launched. Kaixomaitia activities (with little success in any case), blog, surveys and study on the “Affective and sexual relations of Basque citizenship”, in 2016 and 2020 the “Sexuality Survey” (in collaboration with the Aztiker research center), the 3rd edition of the “Erotic Stories Competition” in collaboration with the Elkar editorial, collaborations with the sexual advisory team “Lotura” or digital.

Over 20,000 users have registered over these years, over 10 million pages viewed, one million sessions, 200,000 online messages exchanged. In 2020, the year of the pandemic was a year of success (2,000 new users and a million pages viewed) but since then the web has been reduced, as its maintenance required new investments, illusions and needs, according to Arandia: updating the application and the web, working on the promotion and production of content and ensuring a more stable income (including subsidies). "The person who is going to do this is not me anymore and the time has come to address other projects," says Iñigo Arandia in his message.

The lockdown... maybe

Now, the website will remain open until the end of September, as registration and subscriptions are free (as has been done in recent months), but at the end of the month the portal will be online and when arriving to the enclosure a message will be displayed with the closure.

Even so, Iñigo Arandia has left open the possibility of carrying out a possible follow-up to the general strike call. "Meanwhile, I will continue to work for the project to be taken by another agent or by an individual, if you are interested in contacting us and we will talk. (...) I have set the deadline for doing this until the end of the year and if I do not find anyone who can follow it until the end of December I will definitely close the portal and together with it I will definitely delete all the code data and of course the web"

This is how Arandia’s message ends:

"I would not like to end you without thanking a user who has trusted in for years. I hope that you will be satisfied with your illusions and needs and that in future you will find new ways of carrying them out, if they are in Basque, better still.

We will see each other down the road.

Goodbye, my dear friend.

Thanks to you Iñigo.

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