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Co-working Kabidanz underway

  • Dance entrepreneurs will have a working space at the Dantzagunea (Errenteria) facility in the Dantzaz office, together with support, training and guidance services.

17 November 2021 - 14:01
Last updated: 15:06

On 27 October the agreement was signed between Miguel Ángel Sanz, President of the Oarsoaldea Development Agency, and Fernando Sáenz de Ugarte, Dantzaz Manager, with the presence of the Mayor of Errenteria, Aizpea Otaegi.

One of the objectives of the convention is to make Dantzaz an employment centre for the performing arts and the development of creative projects, both in Oarsoaldea and in the Eurorregion. Kabidanz will also become an active promoter in the ecosystem of cultural actors, in cooperation with the actors around it. To this end, a working group consisting of two representatives from each of the parties to the agreement has been set up and will meet on a quarterly basis.

Kabidanz is already under way, as members of the Kultza project, which is dedicated to cultural mediation, are working on it and will shortly be carrying out new initiatives.

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