Automatically translated from Basque, translation may contain errors. More information here. Elhuyarren itzultzaile automatikoaren logoa

They organize a ride after a hundred years in Ortzaize

  • Ortzaize’s neighbours are finalizing the work to lay off a horseback on 7 and 8 November. A horse riding has not been held in Ortzaize (Nafarroa Beherea) for more than a hundred years. A couple of years ago, in the framework of the Urzaiz partnership, several neighbours and neighbours realised that organizing a horseback riding could be a good initiative to unite and strengthen relations between citizens. The participants will take dance, music and bertsos together and bring to the plaza themes of history and taboo.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

30 October 2020 - 09:40
Ortzaizeko kabalkadako errepika itxialdiaren aurretik. Argazkia: Aña Amestoy

First of all, we tried to bring the Ortzaiztarras closer to the context and history of horseback riding. For this purpose, they have contacted Xabier Itzaina. Then they began to shape what they were going to present in the plaza. Although they started working in 2018, seeing that in some localities of the area the horseback riding was organized for 2019, they decided that it would be made public in 2020.

Horseback riding in Irisarri, 1937. Photo: Basque Museum of Baiona

Horseback riding in Irisarri, 1937. Photo: Basque Museum of Baiona


60 dantzaris on the plaza

Once the appeal has been made, some sixty people have been encouraged to dance, more than half of them without ever dancing. So they've had to start working the dances from the bottom. Several generations have gathered between the Dantzaris, from 16 to 60. The work has the participation of José Cazaubon as an advisor to dance in Navarra.

The classical structure of the horseback riding will be linked to dance, theatre and bertsos, and traditional codes will be respected as far as the dances are concerned. They will present those who have traditionally danced and those who have been created expressly for the horseback riding. They will dance rope, basques, witches and jumps. One of the jumps, as could not be otherwise, will be that of the Rainbow. They've kept the music, but they've adapted the steps. They have also created a fandango and an arin-arin. Preparations for the Kadriles had also begun, but due to the limitations caused by COVID-19 have not been properly prepared and will not be given for this year.

Angulema 1880-Museo Vasco de Baiona
Image: Pablo Tillac-Museo vasco de Baiona

Dantzaris will play at the rate of a dozen musicians. Most musicians are citizens, although to be part of the group they will have the help of musicians from nearby locations.

A hundred years later

Over a hundred years ago, a horseback riding was organised in Ortzaize. In 1899 the youth of the town made a ride to accuse the priest of not being able to dance soldier and armed dresses for the military alarm during the feast of Besta Berri. A year later, the married men of the village organized a new horseback in support of the priest. So, 120 years ago, the last Ortzaize horseback riding took place.

Zapurrak, Besta Berri Bidarrain, 1899.
Zapurrak, Besta Berri Bidarrain, 1899. Image: Marie Garai/Baiona Basque Museum

Co-life obstacle

The lockdown surprised the Tatars in the midst of the ride's preparations. That's really conditioned the organization and the trials, but they've also continued to work from home. The dancers have been able to make tutorials and work the repertoire at home. The date has also been delayed due to the dates originally scheduled for 20 and 27 September. Once outside the enclosure, the tests were resumed, but taking into account all safety measures. They have been separated into smaller groups, mostly into six teams of ten players. In this way, the teachers have also separated and have had to create a figure of teaching assistant to get to everything.

Cultural events can be organised at Iparralde for the time being, but today evening we will have to see what action the French President, Emmanuel Macron, takes, and how it affects the horse.

Sales Tickets

These days they're with the latest tests. The stands are already ready and are rehearsing in the square. So far, everyone has worked on their own, but now all the choruses are being repeated taking into account the whole cabalgata.

Tickets are also available for EUR 12 at the following points: Kaiku Borda (Ortzaize), Paris (Donibane Garazin), Hemengo Denda (Uztaritze) and Lurra Bio (Hazparne). For health reasons, it is advisable to purchase by groups of six people, depending on the health needs. Later, these groups will be kept on the same day to locate the spectators on the stands.

Ortzaize 2020 horseback riding

  • When: 7 and 8 November, 10:00-13:00
  • Where: Ortzaize

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