Julio Anguita, one of the most important leaders and militants of the extreme left in the Spanish state, has died. Anguita died at the age of 78, after spending a week in hospital as a result of a heart attack.
Bachelor of Modern and Contemporary History, Professor of Basic General Education (EGB). Ideologically of extreme left, he joined the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) in 1972. In 1979 he won the elections to the City of Córdoba and became the first communist leader to obtain the capital of a province of Spain. For seven years he held the seat of the mayor and in 1988 he was elected Secretary-General of the PCE.
A year later, IU was appointed coordinator of Ezker Anitza-IU. Undoubtedly, under his leadership were the most prosperous years of UI, also achieving significant election results.
III Congress of IU 1992 The assemblies showed the discrepancies between the official and innovative sector and the innovation sector, which favored consultation with the PSOE, was imposed. Anguita was also in favour of reaching specific agreements with the PSOE.
In 1993, he was elected as a candidate for the presidency of the Government of Spain by the Executive of Mariano Rajoy. In this election campaign, he gave him a heart attack and was forced to interrupt the campaign, which is now over. He was a Member in Madrid. In 1994, at the IV Congress of IU, he was unanimously re-elected general coordinator.
In 2000, he decided to leave the post of general coordinator, once again for cardiac reasons. That's when the coalition's decline began.
Despite leaving the political office, he did not neglect his political reflections and support. Among other things, in solidarity with the Catalan political prisoners or by signing a manifesto of Peace and Democracy for the Basque Country in 2012. He also published several books, the latest in 2015 Atraco to memory. A historic tour of the political life of Julio Anguita. The site Zuzeu.eus published in 2012 the interview with Anguita:
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