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Julian Assange: four years in prison, awaiting extradition and severely psychologically

  • He has been in Belmarsh High Security Prison in the UK for four years following his expulsion from the London Embassy on 11 April 2019. Awaits the extradition requested by the US.
Argazkia: David G Silvers / Wikimedia Commons Argazkia: David G Silvers / Wikimedia Commons

13 April 2023 - 14:00
Last updated: 2023-04-14 08:59:16

The case of Julián Assenge is well known because in 2010 WikiLeaks revealed the United States' war information, and this was how the human rights wrecks and violations committed by the United States army in different countries became known. He published 400,000 reports of war in Iraq, 90,000 of war in Afghanistan, 800 of Guantánamo and 250,000 diplomatic reports in the United States.

The U.S. authorities ordered the arrest against Assange and in 2012 Ecuador’s President, Rafael Correa, supported the country’s embassy in London. He was there for seven years, until April 11, 2019 Lenin Moreno, the new president of Ecuador, was expelled from the embassy.

Lenin Moreno and Julian Assang had many tensions, especially because Moreno made WikiLeaks with leaks on him. These include allegations of corruption involving Ina Investment Corporation, a company linked to Moreno. And in addition to these clashes, there were also US pressures for Ecuador to expel Assange from its embassy. This eventually happened, and that led to Assange Belmarsh's high-security prison.

Very few visits and serious situation

In these four years Assang has had very few visits, especially from her wife and lawyer. At first they went out to the courtyard with the rest of the prisoners, but according to the prison ordinances, Assange's presence altered the patio and decided to leave alone. Then came the time of COVID-19 and they had 23 hours in the cell. Due to extreme isolation, he is in a serious psychological situation, as reported by his lawyer Aitor Martínez. Nils Melzer, a special rapporteur on torture at the UN, has also denounced living conditions and how the matter is being manipulated to finally come to grief.

The Association of Reporters Without Borders has also made its visit, but in the end they have not left it. The association has denounced that all authorizations were taken on 4 April, but they were refused entry, making last-minute intelligence information an excuse and arguing that they were journalists. According to the association, it is known that the president of the association is a journalist, but they were not going to visit Assange to become a journalist, but in defense of freedom of expression.”

Three appeals before extradition to the US

When Assang sought refuge at the Ecuadorian embassy, Sweden and the United States asked for his extradition. In 2017, all accusations were filed and the country suspended the extradition request. In the US, he is charged with 18 crimes, including conspiracy – for his unjust IT tracking – and the disclosure of secret documents. These accusations can be sanctioned at 175 years in the United States. In June 2022, the United Kingdom accepted the extradition of Assange.

There are now three resources before extradition. The first thing to decide is what has been put to the extradition of the High Court of the United Kingdom, and if it fails would be the turn of the High Court of the United Kingdom, first, and the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, then.

Attorney Aitor Martínez informs the Public Newspaper that the High Court should decide whether the Espionage Act EE.UU could enter into force. in the United Kingdom of 1917 when a journalist has published truthful information using real sources. Or if, according to the principle of proportionality, a journalist can receive a 175-year-old prison for a journalism investigation.

Doctors Without Borders have denounced that the UK is constantly impeding Assange’s defense and added that “Assang made it possible for the public to know about war crimes. It’s not about falling right or wrong, but about what’s right.”

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