The popular march organized by the Hama movement against the occupying forces of Algorta will head to the port from the Casino Square. The quote was at 19:00 hours, under the motto "they are not welcome, out of here".
On Monday, 8 July, two visits will be possible at 11:00 and 12:00, and on Monday, 9 visits will be possible every hour, from 11:00 to 23:00.
It should be remembered that the warship Juan Carlos I received in March the visit of thousands of people in the port of Getxo. There were also protests and the Board of Spokesmen of the City Council was dissatisfied with the presence of this vessel, as well as any warship.
On the 2023 portal, the 2022 numbers gain a special prominence, as with the change of year we always try to zero the counter. In the age of liquid realities, numbers also disappear from our additivity, often at tremendous speed, and even transform. Surely a simple attempt I... [+]
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