I would like to respond to some statements by Juan Carlos monedero. I heard it on a television show, talking about the defeat of Podemos in the elections.
Monedero, as a good Spanish colonialist left, is totally lost. It does not yet understand the imperialist/colonialist State in which it lives and lightly assumes the oppression that the Spanish State exerts on dependent nations. In that television programme he made a comment which I found to be as foolish as false, and I would like to move it to this reflection, literally:
“I heard Otegi about plurinationality, Bildu too, about that concept that Podemos put in place, but now it seems that Podemos has put it aside, and other political forces have taken it back, and it has gone well for them. I was listening to the radio and I was wondering: Who is it, who does it belong to? We can make that speech? I don't know the voice, will it be Roberto Iriarte? And eventually I realized it was Arnaldo Otegi. Otegi, making the speech of Podemos, exactly the same, phrase by phrase. So what's going on? He has not talked about nationality or identity, let alone weapons, ETA or independence. They have made a very podemist speech.”
Later, in a Twitter message, Monedero repeats: “The Basque and Galician Basque left have become demized. Today, Bildu and BNG’s discourse makes no difference to the discourse they criticized before.”
Plurinationality has not been invented by Podemos, but is a concept created and used long ago by the indigenous peoples of America to criticize the concept of nation-state
One of the characteristics of the colonizers' imperial vanity is the belief that they are the only ones who create thought and ideas. They think that the peoples subjected to their imperial policy do not have the ability to think, and that they imitate, copy and follow what the Spanish colonizers say as if they were blind. This cognitive racism (epistemic racism) not only affects the imperial and Spanish right, but also the imperial left of the regime are present. However, the greatest perversity of colonial thought is the extraction of the ideas of others, recycling the contents and presenting them as their own. Plurinationality has not been invented by Podemos, but is a concept created and used long ago by the indigenous peoples of America to criticize the concept of nation-state. Thus, to say that “it is the concept that We can put in place” is an act of appropriation and deformation, that is, of extraction.
This concept of plurinationality created by the indigenous peoples of Latin America has two decisive principles for the coexistence of nations in the same state: self-determination and the sovereignty of peoples. We can change the content to the concept and make it another: “liberal multiculturalism”. Since multiculturality is today a liberal Anglo-American concept of bad reputation, we have chosen to use the concept of plurinationality, thus concealing its multicultural, liberal and bourgeois vision. Liberal multiculturalism has a superficial knowledge of the identities and cultures of peoples who suffer national oppression, takes their demands quickly and, more seriously, does not recognize them the right to decide their future with sovereignty, leaving aside the regime of 78. In other words, liberal multiculturalism recognizes the identities of stateless nations, but as long as it does not question who commands. And as long as peoples cannot decide their future with sovereignty, plurinational coexistence in the Spanish State is impossible. The liberal multiculturalism of Podemos recognizes the plurality of the national identities of the State, but in a somatic way, without recognizing the sovereignty of the peoples and the right to self-determination and leaving power in the hands of Madrid. This has been the defeat of Podemos.
The liberal multiculturalism of Podemos recognizes the plurality of the national identities of the State, but in a somatic way, without recognizing the sovereignty of the peoples and the right to self-determination, and leaving power in the hands of Madrid
Purse does not understand defeat. In the 2015 and 2016 elections, Podemos became the first political force in the Basque Country and the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and the second in Galicia. Today, however, it has become a worthless political force in these three stateless nations. And this defeat has caught you by surprise. It is clear that they have made a mistake. The action of Podemos does not respond to the principle of plurinationality that has been proclaimed so many times, giving priority to the partisan interests of Madrid, ignoring the needs of nations without sovereignty. After Podemos’s shameful stance towards the referendum in Catalonia, which is in favour of the Spanish imperialist state and against civil disobedience, they lost the credibility of the voters of the nations that want to be sovereign, because until then the voters had believed that We could recognize the right of peoples to self-determination. J. The great C. The Spanish blindness and colonialist wallet, however, does not allow him to see that if there were more than 70 delegates in the Congress of Deputies, they were achieved thanks to the electoral results obtained in stateless nations. At the same time, it does not see that failure is also a consequence of having collaborated with Spanish centralism, or of having abandoned the oath to modify the current territorial order of the regime, or of undervaluing the claims of stateless nations. “Yes, you can” and then “No, you can’t”; “Yes, we can” and then “No, no, we can’t”. The elected representatives for Galicia, Catalonia and the Southern Basque Country became a mere resource of power for Pablo Iglesias, always voting centrally, fulfilling the interests and slogans of the Spanish left in Madrid.
To say that BNG, EH Bildu and Otegi have "Podemized", besides losing shame, is to live in a later world. According to the history handbook that manages wallet, Arnaldo Otegi learned the plurinationalism of the Elkarrekin Podemos coalition. Really? Do you really believe that Arnaldo Otegi needed We can know the concept of plurinationality and the reality of the multiple nations of the state? The Monedero argument is truly pathetic. This colonialist and shameful paternalism of purse is a lack of respect. The left-wing and sovereign political forces of the nations proclaiming sovereignty have recognized for more than a century that the Spanish State is made up of a large number of nations. Say that We can have been the driver of this idea and that the leftists who are in favor of sovereignty are copying that idea, makes it clear that those of Podemos do not understand anything of the history of the Spanish State and that they mingle on purpose; and that they follow some Spanish stories full of pride and that they believe that no one outside of Madrid is able to think for themselves mismo.Como That is, We can have learned this idea from peripheral nationalisms, but Monedero presents the more or less arrogant world and wants to confuse us by saying that that idea is from them originally.
Monedero does not understand that the demand for sovereignty is multilateral
As a wallet it does not understand anything about the concept of sovereignty, it takes its demands quickly and restricts them, as if it were only about demands that are held around identity. Therefore, Monedero, with the imperial pride that characterizes, says that in the electoral campaign the nationalist forces of the left have not talked about national identity or nationalism. During the election campaign he heard BNG and EH Bildu talking about the territorial problems of Galicia or Hego Euskal Herria, the social, economic, ecological and patriarchal problems. And he thought, proudly and ridiculously, that these two political forces were mimicking Podemos's speech, which didn't speak of identity or nationalism. Monedero does not understand that the demand for sovereignty is multidisciplinary.
Sovereignty also includes self-determination, of course, in order to be able to decide on the political, economic, social, ecological, cultural, linguistic, territorial situation, etc. of a people. The demands of these left-wing sovereigns have taken into account the social dimension and the national dimension. It is a link that comes from afar and is very common among non-independent nations. When the sovereign left talks about the social problems of its peoples, at the same time it talks about national problems, and vice versa, when it talks about national problems, it talks about social problems. These two realities cannot be separated: the national as an identity issue and the social as something distant, as a theme linked exclusively to the class. In situations of national oppression, however, class conflicts attract social demands, which are linked to national demands and identity demands. It is impossible to distinguish. But Monedero does not understand these things, because he has a look at the Spanish interests that think from Madrid. That’s why, when in the election campaign the sovereign organization heard about the social and economic problems of each nation from a left-wing point of view, it thought they didn’t refer to nationalism or identity, and that’s why it thought that Arnaldo Otegi and Ana Ponton “poked”. But Monedero does not realize that the growth of these forces has been isolated from Podemos.
Monedero is a good example of what Spanish nationalism looks like. Its main feature is that the forces that claim the interests of non-sovereign nations are called “nationalists”, while it is blind in view of its nationalism. He speaks as if he was not a nationalist. Spanish nationalism thinks of itself as if it were not nationalist, as if it were a neutral and universal being, as if it were thought beyond a particular place. This imperial universality is very colonial, and that is why Monedero believes that to think like We can is to think without claiming national identity or nationalism (and to focus only on social demands of class). Monedero does not realize that all the logic and creation of Podemos is rooted in Spanish nationalism and does not take into account the dynamics of nations without sovereignty. That's why your project ran out. The Elkarrekin Podemos cycle is closed.
It does not realize that the success of BNG and EH Bildu in the last elections is the result of having been able to articulate the demand for national sovereignty and local social problems.
What is behind the colonial remark of EH Bildu and BNG by monedero is that the cycle of Podemos has closed and the political force has entered into a final crisis. The defeat suffered on 12 July is the chronicle of one of the deaths that have been announced. Purse is unable to understand what has happened to them. Because pride does not allow him to accept his mistakes, he says that the success of leftist sovereign forces is the theft of Podemos’s discourse. This man, the same Spanish nationalist and chauvinist, does not realize that the success of these forces in the last elections is the result of having been able to articulate the demand for national sovereignty, of local social problems. We can have aged in very few years. A radical change of direction: it has gone from being a party of new politics to a repetition of the old politics; from being a party of encounter, of sectarianism; from being an anti-caste party, of being at the service of the elites; from being a party that had to break with the regime of 78, from being a party of the regime; from being a party that guaranteed plurinationality, from being a party of imperialist Spain. As with the coup in Galicia and the Southern Basque Country, they are getting a whirlwind at state level, and the most worrying thing is that they do not notice. They have little time left and behave as if they didn't know. When they fall to zero at the state level, as in Galicia, I suspect that others will be blamed for having stolen Podemos’s speech. When that happens, my best desire will be to “be up”.
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