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From the course of popular movements, documentary and book

  • On 10 April, the Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation will present to the Ainhize-Monjolos Chamber of Agriculture the project “On small fire: The documentary and the book “Herri mugimendua bor-borka”. These two informative materials have been based on the course "Pil-pilean" in which members of various popular movements participated. In this news you can see the trailer and the full book of the documentary.

06 April 2021 - 10:35

The Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation created in 2015 the Pil-Pilean course as "axis of the collective creation of knowledge, a space of encounter, exchange of experiences and networks between popular Basque movements". They wanted to promote "integral political" training: historical, theoretical-ideological, methodological, corporal, organizational... "With this experiment of political formation we wanted to think more emancipatory political cultures, delve into the effort to innovate in the way of being and acting of our political cultures".

Based on this experience, they have made a half-hour documentary in which 14 participants participate in the course, who tell their experience and their learning. The trailer is as follows:

In addition to the documentary, they have also created a book. You can read it in its entirety here.

Presentation tour

Despite the fact that they have been threatened by changes in terms of health measures, that is, for the time being, the timetable for the book and documentary presentation tour. To participate in them you need to register beforehand (can be done here):

10 April. 16:00/Anhize-Monjolose, Euskal Herriko Laborantza ganbara.

15 April. 18:00/Algorta.

29 April. 18:30/Iruña

13 May. 18:00/Vitoria-Gasteiz

27 May. 18:00/San Sebastian.

19 June. 12:00 / Ziordia, Proyecto Amarauna (Festival)

You are interested in the channel: Joxemi Zumalabe Fundazioa
2022-06-03 | ARGIA
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2020-12-09 | ARGIA
Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation Organizes Round Table "Partnerships for Fighting in Times of Pandemic"
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2020-02-04 | ARGIA
Joxemi Zumalabe Foundation Presents Popular Movement Toolbox 'Biltoki'
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Weekly history
13 October 2013

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