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Death of Euskaltzale and Cooperativist Joxe Ramón Elortza

  • The Basque Country, cooperativist and collaborator of solidarity projects, Joxe Ramón Elortza Gorosabel, from Arrasate, died on 15 July last, as they declared "calm and giving its organs" to relatives. Dear man and much appreciated by many, the news of his death has caused great sorrow.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

17 July 2019 - 09:09
Joxe Ramon Elortza zendu da. (Goiena)
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"The housekeepers warmly thank all the affection we have received these days, it helps us a lot," said the relatives, who added that they prefer to dedicate their contributions to the Basque culture and to Mundukide "before the flowers and the corners". The funeral was held this Wednesday in the parish of San Juan Bautista of the Guipuzkoan town of Arrasate.

Tireless worker

His father began his professional career at the company ELMA, where he worked in 1967, and from there he received a call from Don José María Arizmendiarrieta to attend the Professional School. The relationship he maintained with Arizmendiarrieta greatly strengthened Elorza's humanistic and cooperative value. At the time of creating the student residence of the Professional School, he worked as manager during the first years, from where he moved to Alecoop to be responsible for human resources.

In 1980 he left the cooperative world to devote himself to the leadership of San Francisco Xabier Ikastola. After five years, she became part of the Ikasbide Labor Fund group, among others, to be responsible for the activities of the journal Tu Lankide or Otalora. After four years of activity, he completed the last 15 years of professional career at the company Ikerlan. There he pioneered the effort to strengthen the presence of Euskera in the company, and from that experience of Ikerlan many other companies drank.

He liked the Basque and Joxe Aranzabal remembers that Arrasate was dedicated to television from the beginning. Later, he was a member of the Governing Council of Goiena and a regular collaborator of the journal and television.



ATB start-up team, consisting of technicians and presenters, with Joxe Ramon Elortza on the right (February 1990).



He participated in several solidary actions throughout his life, but it was the last July 8. He participated in a meeting of the High Must Innovation Platform at the Higher Polytechnic School. At one point he felt unwilling and subsequently suffered a stroke that caused his death.

Words of relatives

"A fair, just, humanist, honest, coherent, solidary person, defender of noble causes, tireless worker, always willing to help the neighbor, passionate cooperativist, organizer and animator of Arizmendiarrieta. But, above all, an Euskaltzale and Abertzale convinced that they dreamed of an independent and Euskaldun Basque Country." Family members have defined this.

"A husband, a father, a godfather, a brother, an uncle colleague and an exemplary friend. Your life has been a good example for us. We're filled with pride with those we've met you. You're in us and you'll be. As you said many times, Go ahead Bolie! ".

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