Emergency services found Joxe Migel Etxeandia's lifeless body on Thursday, confirming suspicions of his death. The man went to the area on Sunday with several friends and since then there has been no news of his whereabouts.
Etxeandia was arrested in Mexico in 2003 and, after being handed over to the National Police, she spent twelve years in prison for an alleged crime of collaboration with an attempted attack. During this time she suffered from a serious mental illness, but the Spanish prison authorities did not remove her from isolation until 2011.
After his death, the mayor of Larrabetzu, Iñigo Gaztelu, said that "these are sad moments" for the Council of Gipuzkoa. The secretary general of Sortu, Arkaitz Rodríguez, said in a Twitter message that they felt "excited" about this news:
🌹 The members of the Abertzale left are excited about the news of Josemi's death.
Condolences to his family, friends and the people of Larrabetzu.
Goodbye, my friend. pic.twitter.com/G2UafiFI2e
— Arkaitz Rodríguez Torres (@arkarodriguez) October 3, 2019
The Pro-Amnesty and Anti-Repression Movement has also published a statement in which it expresses its condolences to family members and highlights its "commitment and generosity" .
An information meeting will be held on Thursday at 20:00 a.m. in the Larrabetzu district.
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