The musicians of Anne Lukin (Pamplona, 2001) and Ma (Bilbao, 2002) met two years ago and have since become friends. They just published the song Get Used to Me. "We're not bad about artists, but being friends is salt," Maren said.
Why did you decide to collaborate?
ANNE LUKIN: Because we are friends. Every time we saw each other it was always time to download and share good and bad things. After all, I felt that inside this madness there was someone beside me.
MA: Every time we looked, we complained about our profession, it became very natural for us to make a song. We wanted to talk about the fate we've had and the anger we feel.
Through the song you criticize the music industry. Is there room to weave networks?
MA: Normally not. Unlike other occasions, we feel no sense of competition or need. Sometimes we are not the ones who create artists, but we are faced with shockwaves. We're not bad about artists, but being friends is salt.
LUKIN: It's hard. At first I wasn't suspicious, but over time I've generated mistrust. Sometimes you seem to be a friend, but then you don't. So finding a friend in the music industry is a break.
Are you opposed to that in the song?
LUKIN: Yes, because we don't like it. That is why we are opposed to the whole system. I prefer to work much more with Maren than to work worse. In general, I try to create that kind of work environment. However, we have also found bad environments.
MA: When a person has had an idea, I can rejoice for her, I don't have to think about why she hasn't made me worse.
What do you not want to get used to?
MA: Neither good nor bad. In concert times you seem to be in the “best” moment, and OK, but tomorrow can end. In addition, it ends.
LUKIN: I felt like I was in a dichotomy, that is, I complain, but at the same time I'm very lucky. To what extent can I complain?
MA: I think we have to break and complain about that; otherwise, we will remain the same.
Besides mistrust, what other things have you identified?
MA: Being young doesn't help because you'll always be the other. In other words, you do not know, so your work is not taken into account. They simply want to get out of us the idea they want.
LUKIN: Being young and female and leaving a competition doesn't help. Promoters are always equal and all men. If you do it against you, you don't know if you're going to have more concerts. So if you want to keep playing, it's hard to fight the system or industry and change things.
“I’ve met you and I want to flee,” they say in the song. Do you want to flee the music industry?
LUKIN: We are talking about industry and a specific person. The song was created because we met a monstrous man.
MA: The song is not dramatic because we wanted to laugh at that situation. You think you're Jesus Christ, all right, five responsibilities.
Besides expressing anger, they reflect their complicity, right?
LUKIN: We complain a lot, but at the same time we tell how nice it is to find a friend in such a place.
MA: We enjoyed writing and shouting this song.
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