The twelfth edition of the Flysch Trail mountain race in Zumaia will be held on 3 October and the organisers of the test have already begun preparations. In addition, some details have already been given about the race: among them, Josu Bereziartua and Amaia Aranzabal will be honoured that day.
The day of the race will be used to pay tribute to the Azpeitiarra and the Bergarese, since at the end of the test, both will be honoured from 13:00 hours. The Bereziartua has been carried out in six eight-thousand mountains, the first of them Cho Oyu in 1992, the Everest in 1992, the Shisha Pangma in 1996, the Gasherbrum I and the Gasherbrum II in 2003 and the last, the Nanga Parbat in 2005, while Aranzabal was the first Basque woman to climb a mountain in Oycho 8,000 meters.
I looked like this in the picture when ARGIA first offered me the opportunity. A while in the magazine. The only condition is that what is written has to do with sport if it is possible.
It doesn't always make me easy. There are sports, especially those that move a lot of money,... [+]
Pirinioetako Lan Batzordeak argi berdea eman dio 2004tik itxita dagoen Erronkariko aterpe mitikoa berreskuratzeari. Nafarroa eta Biarnoa mendizaleentzat lotuko dituzte Belarouat proiektuarekin.
Zortzi azpeitiarrek Annapurnara egindako espedizioan hartutako irudiekin osatutako dokumentala digitalizatu eta protagonisten sentipenak jasotzeko finantzazio kolektiboari ekingo diote.
Alberto Zerain mendizale arabarra eta berarekin batera zihoan Mariano Galvan argentinarraren berririk ez dago larunbatetik. Nanga Parbat mendia Mazeno ertzetik igotzen ari ziren.
Eskalatzaile gehienek 40.000 euro inguru ordainduko dute 2017an, Alan Arnette mendizale eta kronistak bere blogean jasotako datuen arabera. Nepaletik ala Tibetetik igo, eta “erosotasun”/”segurtasun” maila apal ala handiagoarekin egin, ordaindu beharreko... [+]