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"This time the same illusion, but I see more maturity and experience"

  • The new municipal government has as a priority the budgets and the social agenda, as explained by the new mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asiron, on his first day in Euskalerria Irratia.
Artikulu hau CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziari esker ekarri dugu.

03 January 2024 - 07:09
Last updated: 13:22

The new mayor of Pamplona, Joseba Asiron, has been in Euskalerria Irratia giving answers to the questions of his colleague Haritz Paskual.

Haritz Pascual: Yesterday at this time I was about to start the plenary. How is your first day as mayor of Pamplona?

Joseba Asiron: As soon as we wake up we are holding a Carousel interview with the various media, at 12.00 we will hold the first meeting and at afternoon we will hold more interviews. Yesterday we had the opportunity to celebrate these moments. We ate in a rock in Pamplona and stayed for a long time at ease.

P.U.- How did you find the office?

J.A.- Very similar. They put a white carpet that has not been covered at all, but in the rest there are hardly any changes. Yes, they've left computers formatted and they've taken paper and pens.

Now we're going to start working, and fortunately the workers there are are experienced professionals, but there hasn't been an orderly transition. Even if I try, in the last days Cristina Ibarrola does not take me the phone and whatssap does not answer me.

H.P.- Cristina Ibarrola said yesterday that she prefers to clean the stairs with the votes of EH Bildu to be mayor. How do you value these words?

J.A.- I think it was a matter of the moment and that is not what he thinks in the background. Anything can happen when you lose your foot in the pool.

H.P.- Often Jagoba Arrasate says that losers are owed respect, and his behavior yesterday reminded us of that idea.

J.A.- Yes, and we have to keep in mind that they may not have had time to mourn. We had time to think all right because we knew our time was coming. We are already thinking about the future and it is clear that we also need those who do not think like us. You can't love the city by hating some of it. We must restore normality.

P.A.- What topic do you have on the table?

J.A.- These first days will be very intensive.

It is clear that one of the first points is the approval of the budgets, because without them a great deal cannot be done. In the social agenda we have a very defined housing plan and with it we seek a solution for the people who are on the street. We like to highlight the quality of life we have in our city, but there are still people sleeping on the street. This is not acceptable.

P.U.- What solution can be given to this reason?

J.A.- These people must be endowed with resources and for that we have the government. That is what they have not done so far, because they have used the City Hall to oppose the government. The institutions are there to solve the problems and public resources must be mobilised.

H.P.- Coexistence is one of the fundamental pillars of your program.

J.A.- Yes, and yesterday in Pamplona we all received a great lesson of coexistence. Citizens of different ways of thinking met in the plaza and there were no incidents. It was clear that the street is ahead of politicians. Promoting coexistence as one of my priorities and my personal commitment.

H.P.- How can you do this?

J.A.- First, dealing with respect for others. We are politicians, we are in the institutions and we must be an example. Dialogue is the best way forward and dialogue forums must be set up for this purpose.

P.U.- Will we see the ikurrina again on the balcony of the City Hall?

J.A.- Ikurrina has always been here one way or another. We saw it before Franco's death and also in the masts of 77, officially. On other occasions, on the contrary, we have seen on the street and persecuted. Now you can't hang on the mast by symbol law, but we'll see it in the city hall. We will respect the law, but we will continue to fight to change it.

P.A.- What has changed in recent months in order to reach this situation?

J.A.- It's been a process. Since the election night we were aware that we had to take this as a starting point. Progressive forces had the same vision and we believed that change had to come. Now is the time to overflow the water

P.A.- How to take the words of Elma Saiz not to agree with EH Bildu?

J.A.- Since the beginning of the legislature we have worked very well with the PSN and Elma here. I do not know why he said that, but it was clear that what happened would happen and that the regime would fall. This puts us at a very important moment: we are demonstrating that this model works and is exportable.

P.A.- When did you start talking about the motion of censure?

J.A.- After the investiture of Sanchez. Everything has been negotiated here for Pamplona and Pamplona.

H.P.- What has happened within the PSN?

J.A.- There has been an evolution in PSN and PSOE and no one has given us anything. He's won EH Bildu be anywhere. It shows that it is truly reliable at the state level and that it has increased the quality of life in the places where it is located.

H.P.- Are you not the red line anymore?

J.A.- I hope so. Red yes, but line no.

P.U.- What are the relationships with Geroa Bai and Zuekin?

J.A.- We're working very close and we have very intense collaboration.

P.A.- Your first legislature as mayor was not a flower path. What did he learn?

J.A.- We must always be willing to change. I always say that every night we should change some day. This time the same illusion, but I see more maturity and experience.

P.U.- How are we going to notice the paralysis of Pamplona over the last five years?

J.A.- We have been without a budget because they have not been able to reach agreements and without them the city does not work. This stillness and lack of judgment are manifested in many issues: In the parking lot of the Plaza de la Cruz, in the project of Calle Beloso... or in the plenary session convened at the last moment, which in their day they did not want to do.

They've been very concerned about the image, but they've lacked that secret job.

Now is the time to address a number of projects.

P.U.- What will be done with the parking project of the Plaza de la Cruz?

J.A.- It's suspended. All progressive forces agree on this. We will discuss the problem of parking and see what solutions exist. If we have seen something about mobility, it has been that Pius XII works. Maya threw horrors and then touched nothing. This project must now be completed.

Communication between the red roads should also be facilitated. Taking a bike must be cost-effective. There is also considerable agreement between the forces here.

P.A.- What do you propose for St. George?

J.A.- You can't be cheering like you've done. This requires a solid solution. We must move away from traffic and start taking action. We have to make a contest of ideas and let the technicians say what is best. You can't have a neighborhood in four parts.

P.U.- And for Ripagaina?

J.A.- The right people understand housing as a business, but they also need services. I would like to stay in Pamplona. That is my wish, but we must speak, of course. We believe that being mayors of Burlada and Huarte and EH Bildu will make things easier.

P.U.- What will the San Fermín be like?

J.A.- The San Fermín are being prepared all year round and that is where we are. Our model is that people decide and lead things. Citizenship is the protagonist of the party and parties cannot be bottled.

We will try to leave our mark, but we will try to recover the participation party so that we all feel at ease and secure.

P.A.- Completion: How did your students at Ikastola San Fermín take the news?

J.A.- They have known it through the press and yesterday there were many in the plaza. They're fantastic. At 61, I don't know if I'm going to go back to school, but if I did, you wouldn't be those current students anymore.

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