When the full motion of censure begins, UPN once again shows strong opposition and leads to a debate on the time for the groups to participate. Baiko councilor Koldo Martinez Geroa has presided over the event and Cristina Ibarrola and Joseba Asiron have decided to participate in it for six minutes. The UPN wanted it to be ten minutes away, but Martinez’s competition has prevailed.
Meanwhile, the street environment has also entered the municipal hall and the citizens who have occupied the Town Hall square have continually screamed “UPN out”, singing and in a festive atmosphere. Martinez has promised Asiron, but he has refused to speak and at the time of the groups has done the same thing EH Bildu.
Over the past few weeks, Ibarrola has sent PSN councillors endless messages directed by the extreme right and right against the PSN, accused the city of betraying and accused EH Bildu of “holding terrorists on their lists.” He added that the head is upright, that it is proud and that it is hurtful because the PSOE has used it by hand.”
PSN: “A new time opens in Pamplona”
PSN spokeswoman Marina Curiel has responded firmly to Ibarrola and accused her of confusing and dark management. In addition, Ibarrola will have a historical title, “to be the first Mayor removed motionally in Pamplona”. It considers the insults directed at the Socialist Councillors unacceptable and it clarifies that a new time is opening in Pamplona.
Carlos García Adanero of the PP has put the motion of censure in the political environment that lives in Spain and, within the agreements of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez has given the mayor of Pamplona to EH Bildu. Mikel Armendariz, by Geroa Bai, comments on the paralysis of the last five years and points out that the motion of censure will solve this situation. He has highlighted coexistence and respect as one of the most important prospective values. Lastly, With You has been the turn of Txema Mauleon, of Zurekin, who has focused mainly on tolerance, accusing UPN of using the “us” or “them” that uses the far right, and that it is time to build bridges and not to build walls.
Asiron: “Consensus, respect and coexistence”
Koldo Martínez then asks Asiron to go to the center of the room and, after sworn in and getting the command staff, makes a brief intervention pointing to three fundamental principles: the search for consensus, respect for those who think differently and commitment to coexistence. Then he went out to the balcony of the city hall, among the cries of “Asiron, Asiron”. The entire event can be followed here.
Euskalerria Irratia has thus gathered in Asiro the moment when a group of councillors have left the square:
It's been @josebaasiron as mayor on the street, after voting #censuramocion to meet with citizens. pic.twitter.com/wwXNynispe
— Euskalerria Irratia (@fm983irratia) December 28, 2023
33/2013 Foru Legeari Xedapen gehigarri bat gehitu zaio datozen aldaketak gauzatu ahal izateko, eta horren bidez ahalbidetzen da “erregimen frankistaren garaipenaren gorespenezkoak gertatzen diren zati sinbolikoak erretiratzea eta kupularen barnealdeko margolanak... [+]
When the allies won in World War II, they stressed the need to give public and exemplary punishment to the Nazis. They organized an international trial in which four judges punished the Nazi leaders. That trial was unprecedented. Among other things, because it was a linguistic... [+]
We do not forget the experience of 28 December in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Pamplona.
As often happens when events of great meaning and emotion occur, being a subject – the change of mayor of Pamplona, a motion censorship – the sub-themes are many. It goes without... [+]