EH Bildu, Geroa Bai, With You Navarre and PSN registered a motion of censure on Wednesday for the expulsion of Cristina Ibarrola from the mayor of Pamplona.
In June they did not agree and with the abstention of the PSN it was put to Mayor Ibarrola; the change of attitude of the socialist party has been key to removing UPN this mayor.
According to information released in the early morning, Joseba Asiron will become mayor after the municipal assembly on 28 December, which can open a new political cycle in Pamplona and Navarra.
Because so far the PSN has not wanted to reach an agreement with EH Bildu and other mayors have been left to UPN, as is the case with Estella or Barañáin. In Pamplona UPN has 9 councilors, EH Bildu 8, PSN 5, Geroa Bai 2, PP 2 and With You Nafarroa one.
Despite the fact that on 28 December he will become mayor in Asuncion, some sources point out that the Socialists will not join the government team.
In an interview with Euskadi Irratia, Koldo Martinez, by Geroa Bai, states that the composition is "unclear" and that his bet is to be as "transversal" as possible.
For Martínez, the change of position of the PSN came with the Amnesty Law being debated in the Spanish Congress: "The Socialist Party feared, but bearing in mind that at the moment the Amnesty Law is boiling, that will make more noise."
Ibarrola had an act on Wednesday at 9:00 a.m., but he suspended it as soon as he heard the news of the motion of censure. Joseba Asiron will offer a press conference at 11:30 to explain his intentions.
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