The Geriza and Immigration Law project is currently being debated in the French Parliament and this lunch has been called for by Vivir! to be concentrated in Hendaye. The detention centre next to the border between Gipuzkoa and Lapurdi will be reopened soon.
The intention of the French Government is to include 30 immigrants in the centre. The 50 citizens who will gather have registered to take up space in the places where they want to give immigrants.
The intention of this group of citizens has not been able to materialize, because the French police have closed the way for them. Many citizens have supported the nomination and have taken action with the support of MEP José Bové. Bové has the right to enter the center and will try to bring the solidarity action of the demonstrators, signed in papers, to the center.
Xabi Harluxet of Viva! has suggested that “immigrants are not guilty, but rather need protection in order to have a sensible reception policy and not to suffer the signs of repression that this bill shows.”
Viva! denounces that immigrants are held in the detention center for a maximum of 50 days, a law that does not guarantee the permanent and dignified status of migrants.
It has brought together associations and collectives of all persuasions that support migrants, many press and journalists. The slogans of Viva! say: “We are the immigrants. Let us not make Europe a prison for immigrants, because that will be our prison. That’s us, that’s us.”
Viva! has announced that it will carry out a series of actions during the 1st of May to promote awareness, germination and reception in favor of immigrants and to advance solidarity.
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