The president of Òmnium Cultural, Jordi Cuixart, is already on the street after receiving the permission, and will spend the weekend with his family. He left Lledoners Prison (Barcelona) on Thursday afternoon, after receiving permission from the Generalitat of Catalonia on Wednesday. During the weekend you will be accompanied by a tutor from Lledoners, who will accompany you on the tour.
Òmnium Cultural has announced that Cuixart "will not take any measures to reintegrate or accept the crime". The Generalitat has given permission to Cuixart and also to Jordi Sánchez, former head of the Assemblea Nacional Catalana. Both have served one quarter of their prison sentences. They have been in prison since 16 October 2017, serving a nine-year prison sentence.
According to La Vanguardia, Citizens announced on Thursday morning that they would ask the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the accused. It questions whether the two sovereign leaders qualify for permission, and believes that "the principle of equality between all prisoners is not being complied with".
Abokatua, aktibista soziala eta Espainiako Kongresuko diputatua da Jaume Asens (Bartzelona, 1972). Urtarrilaz geroztik, Pablo Iglesias ordezkatu du Unidas Podemos talde parlamentario konfederalaren presidentetzan. Abokatu gisa, giza eskubideen eta mugimendu sozialen defentsak... [+]