On 18 April it marks fifteen years since the disappearance of the Basque militant Jon Anza. As at the time, since then, ignorance and silence about this disappearance continue to dominate. The next Urruña militant has organised a press conference to denounce the situation: "We want to assert our right to know the truth. As at the time, we do not believe in the version devised by Spanish and French political and judicial leaders of what happened to Joni. Fifteen years later, because the same questions of the hour remain unanswered." However, the Spanish and French States have confirmed at a press conference that they have answers.
On the occasion of the opening of a new political stage since the Aiete Conference, held on 17 October 2011, the French Government has called "to assume its responsibilities": "It must do whatever it can to clarify what happened to Jon and to recognize its implications in the political conflict." All the victims must receive the truth, recognition and reparation to advance the peace processes, and that is what they have again called upon the French and Spanish States.
Felipe Aramendi, from the neighbourhood of Urruña, who lived at the same time, was also present at the press conference. Like Anza, he has taken into account other missing militants, such as Eduardo Moreno Bergaretxe Pertur, José Miguel Etxeberria Naparra or Jean-Louis Larre Popo "and so many": "To the question of what has happened around these disappearances, we always have no answer."
From the press conference, the "most sensitive protections" were transferred to their relatives: "Because we know that in these fifteen years they continue to seek the truth and the suffering that this entails".
Jon Anzaren senideek zortzi orduko kontzentrazioa antolatu dute asteazken honetarako Donostiako Boulevardean: “Parisera joatea dagokigu desagerpenean izandako irregulartasunengatik Frantziar Estatuaren kontra salaketa jarri ostean”.
Miryam Viargues epaileak Jon Anzarena ondoriorik izan ez duen kasu moduan jasotzea eskatu du. Hiru urteko prozedura izan da. ETAko militantea 2009ko apirilaren 18an desagertu zen eta 2010eko martxoaren 11n aurkitu zuten hilda Okzitaniako Tolosako erietxe batean.
Jon Anzaren familiaren abokatuak, Maritxu Paulus-Basurtok, fiskaltzak auzia amaitutzat jotzeko eskaera egingo duen filtrazioaren harira, Frantziako agintariek ETAko militantearen desagertzea eta heriotza argitu nahi ez dutela salatu du.
Myriam Viargues epaileak amaitutzat eman du Jon Anzaren heriotzaren ikerketa. Horrela jakinarazi dio Kazeta.info hedabideari Jon Anzaren familiak. Anza 2009an Baionan desagertu zen eta handik urtebetera Okzitaniako Tolosan aurkitu zuten hilik.
Jon Anzaren desagerpena eta heriotzaren ingurukoak argitzeko intentzioarekin, inkesta parlamentarioa irekitzea eskatu dute preso ohiaren familiak, abokatuak eta Anza kolektiboak. Gaur Anza desagertu zenetik hiru urte bete dira eta kasua argitzeko galderak erantzunik gabe... [+]
Amnistiaren Aldeko Mugimenduak jakitera eman duenez, Jon Anzarena da atzo Okzitaniako Tolosan agertutako hilotza. France 3 kateak Jon Anzarena izan daitekeen gorpua agertu dela zabaldu zuen atzo arratsaldeko albistegian.