He studied pedagogy and then immersed himself in the world of teaching and research.
Yes, I've worked with adults before, also in school. Later on, life has brought me closer to Early Childhood Education and the world of research, along with motherhood.
You've studied the game in the thesis.
Yes, in the development of the child play is very important, we know a lot about play, we are all practiced, and at the same time, what we all know is different, we have not played the same, and I realized that we really know little about what play contributes to the development of the child. And I've wanted to dedicate the research to a better understanding of the child's processes, thinking that what we offer can be more appropriate and with the aim of seeking a healthier development.
It says that in the development of children play an important role.
Yes, and not just in children. Ecologists and biologists have also investigated this issue, and in animals it is also observed that in the young age game is a spontaneous behavior that allows the development of the skills that the child needs in adulthood. In the game of puppies you see the fight and flight, for example, the capabilities you will then need. Something similar happens to children: if we look at the game, we will see the world of adults reflected and simulate ways to do it.
Through play, children will develop their relationship capacity, their motor dimension, as well as their cognitive and affective dimension, with intense pleasure, communication and body movement.
You have put the spotlight on Child Education. Why in Children?
It is true that the child does not stop playing at the age of six. But at the school level most of the spaces, times and play materials are offered in Early Childhood Education. There we saw a gap from the Hazitegi research center, and in order for that offer of schools to better adapt to the child, we considered it necessary to investigate the game itself. By analyzing children's play, you can see what that game is like, what the child needs, and how the offer can be improved.
Your goal has been to investigate the presence, characteristics, deficiencies... of play in school. Where have you started?
The research has been approached from the interpretative paradigm, the qualitative methodology has been chosen and, as a method, a case study has been carried out. A two-line Basque public school has been chosen and the game of all the children of Early Childhood Education of the town has been observed, collecting with the camcorder all the spaces of the classroom. On the other hand, semi-structured conversations have also been held to gather the voice of the faculty. Through the observation of children's play and the contrast with the teachers' voices, it has been possible to see the different characteristics of the game: what space they use, what materials, what relations they establish, what presence the movement has, what varieties it has in terms of gender, how age changes...
You've seen that the game varies by context.
That's it. The game varies depending on the context offered. In this sense it is like a snowflake: as the temperature or pressure is never the same, the snowflakes also come out different. Something similar happens with the game: it is never the same space, the same moment or the same child, every day meets a different reality when arriving at school, play every day and the game is always different.
The game is directly conditioned by the context and often, unconsciously, interrupts or hinders the game. Taking care of the context, the quality of the game improves.
What would be the ideal context?
The ideal does not exist, the real is what is worth and what we should look at every day. Attention should be paid to spaces and materials. So we got there with ease. But attention must also be paid to the times, and this is often more difficult: how long does the child need? If you leave little, no complex game comes out, or if you cut it involuntarily, the same thing happens. The game is a very delicate phenomenon in this sense, it is easily cut. It is enough to put another teacher in the classroom or turn on the computer or to have a child come to the pig to cut the game of others.
Within the context, the relational context is also understood: the relationships that are offered. What space will the professor occupy? Who or what will your gaze focus on? What are you going to have in your hands? What kind of messages are you going to send? What are the other kids going to do? Will there only be children of the same age? Of different ages? All this will condition the game created in the classroom.
For the game to be rich or complex, the child must have safe relationships, freedom, varied and open materials (not closed toys that propose a given theme), time and possibility to move peacefully.
Is it necessary to develop protocols to work in the area of games in schools?
The centers are at different points. The game is generally recognized verbally as important, but then there is a tendency to prioritize other aspects when observing and intervening. There are often difficulties with correct observation. A greater knowledge of the natural process of play can help to offer the space it deserves in school.
Have you had the opportunity to share the results with the participants? What do they say?
Yes. The study has made it possible to become aware of the different aspects and identify some improvements. I am very grateful for the generosity shown, for having entered the kitchen with the camera and for offering me very useful information.
What challenges do you have?
The main challenge is to transfer to the faculty what they learned about the game with this research to make the school context healthier. For this purpose, a lecture has been offered to teachers and parents. From Huhezi we try to develop a thin look at the game to the students who are studying the degree in Early Childhood Education. On the other hand, I have a big challenge in terms of disclosure and publication.
He participated in the Chilean Thesis. What was the experience?
Summarizing the thesis was not easy. I had to make a selection, and I had the feeling that the important ideas were left out. On the other hand, I met the theses of other researchers and found it a very enriching experience.
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