The City of Pamplona has just received in November the suspension of aid to this group and to seven other districts of Pamplona for prevention and community education. The decision will take effect from January.
With good weather, a giant chess was installed in the Town Hall Square, where several neighbors played. The little giants in the neighborhood also danced, while the kilikis followed the kids. Most of the activities were carried out in the Plaza del Castillo and, with the help of time, hundreds of people congregated in it, in handball, with soft paws, playing softly and performing many other activities.
For years, these associations have promoted a neighborhood model that responds to the needs of citizens through community construction. “In this process,” says the Aldezar association, we created the associations of neighbors and neighbors and, thanks to the work carried out, we managed to assume the City Hall’s child and youth prevention service. We have been developing this service from a local, close and integrative perspective, giving importance to the voices and needs of the youngest and youngest”.
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