The Azkue Foundation and the Game Erauntsia community of the Basque gamers collaborate in the organization of the jokotenika. To register, from here. The meeting will be able to follow live streaming which will be enabled on the EITB website.
This year’s day will deal with a wide range of issues, as is customary, videogames and Euskera focusing on the Basque Country. For a start, Professor Unai Arrugaeta will offer a number of tips for the use and limitation of video games. Secondly, Ibai Oihanguren, a computer and video game enthusiast, will tell us about the translation and video games in euskera.En third place, Maite Martínez, a member of the studio Atabey Creations, will bring us closer to the keys of design linked to video game marketing. Lastly, Mikel Antero, art director of Keplerians, will present us with the creative process of video games such as Glitchmare.
The event will be concluded with a round table involving students from Digipen 18, Bilbao Institute of Technology, Harrobia Ikastola and Tartanga Integrated Vocational Training Centre.
I think Soraluze’s ‘Jaso burua’ initiative is very good, which drives the necessary awareness. Last week, I was at the conference for parents of elementary school children. With the older child in FP, little criticism was heard about the use of screens (and screen... [+]
Bi amaren kezkak abiatu zuen prozesua Usurbilgo Udarregi ikastolan: zein adinetan erosi smartphonea seme-alabei? Ikastetxeko guraso elkarteak proiektu mamitsua garatu du ordutik, gaiaren inguruan ikasleak eta gurasoak formatzeko. Horrez gain, hiru hilero negoziatzen dute... [+]
Seme-alabei smartphonea goizegi erosi nahi ez dieten familietan, “presioa hain da handia, herri batzuetan benetako bazterketa arriskuak detektatzen hasi garela” mugikorra ez duen haurrarekiko. Lehen Hezkuntzako gurasoen artean, ikasgela edo maila bakoitzean familiak... [+]
“Barraka” abentura bideo-joko umoretsua garatzeko urtebete izango du Ibai Aizpurua diseinatzaile eta programatzaile irundarrak. Horretarako 15.000 euroko laguntza irabazi du Durangoko Azokaren laugarren sormen bekan.