Johañe Etxebeste has taken the witness of Pantxoa Etxegoin, becoming the director of Euskal Kultur Erakundea in the Basque cultural centre. Zuberotarra of forty years is known in the world of dance and in the world of traditional music. Among other things, in 2015 he became responsible for the missions of the Dantzaris Assembly of Iparralde for the implementation and development of the partnership project.
Deeply involved in the world of culture, he has participated in different associations: Beritza Konpany, Larraine Masks, Pioneers, etc. In addition, he has been a choreographer, dancer and musician in several companies: Kautere Balet, Konpany Beritza, EliralE and others.
He will serve as Director of EKE on 1 February 2021.
The EKE was created in 1990 with the objective of stimulating Basque culture and Basque culture, conducting studies and high-level cultural exchanges and actively supporting Basque culture in areas as diverse as the promotion of Euskera, literature, theatre, bertsolarism, audiovisual, dance, music, plastic arts, heritage, Basque sports... In addition to cultural associations, the administration in the council is a public institution.
Since 1996, Pantxoa Etxegoin was the director. The work will be portrayed on 30 January 2021.
Uztailaren 2an izendatu dute Euskal Kultur Erakundearen (EKE) lehendakari Katixa Dolhare-Zaldunbide idazlea eta ARGIAko kolaboratzailea. EKE erakundea 1990ean sortu zenetik, izan duen lehen emakume lehendakaria da.