Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden has confined himself to pronouncing his vote as soon as he confirmed that he had the 20 votes in Pennsylvania and declared his victory: "I am honored and humbled to learn that the people of America have entrusted me and the chosen vicelehendakari, Harris. Faced with unprecedented obstacles, more Americans than ever voted. They have shown that democracy is beating in the heart of the United States. (...) The campaign is over and now is the time to leave behind cries and bitter reproaches and to join as a nation. The time has come for the United States to come together and recover from the wounds. We are the United States and there is nothing we cannot do if we do it together."
Shortly before, Donald Trump had warned right away, for the umpteenth time, that he would not recognize Biden’s victory: "We all know why Joe Biden is so rushed that he wants to win and why all his media friends are trying to help him. They don't want the truth to be shown. But the reality is that those elections are not over. (...) We will begin to bring the case to court from Monday to ensure that the electoral rules are fully complied with and that the one who truly succeeds is appointed."
Meanwhile, the lehendakari, who should resign shortly, was still named winner on social networks. Twitter itself has added a warning – which any other user in the world will have been erased, but cannot do so to the president of EE.UU – suggesting to readers that he lies:
— Donald J. Trump (@realGuitarTrump) November 7, 2020
However, the journalists had already mentioned the signs of Biden’s victory earlier. The secret services of the United States were particularly acute in Biden’s housing, housing and other housing. Even giant media journalists like Fox, key to Trump’s victory four years ago and in the next term, began to anticipate to his followers the possibilities Biden had to overcome.
Following the results of Pennsylvania, both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have rapidly changed their Twitter profiles, appointing themselves elected president and electing vice-president:
JOE Biden and Kamala Harris have both updated their Twitter bios to reflect their newest titles: president - will and vice, president - vice.
— Joan Greve (@joanegreve) November 7, 2020
Kamala Harris will become the first vice-president of the United States.
Zutabe hau idazten nengoela, gaia aldatu behar izan dut, nire arreta osoa harrapatu dutelako Trumpen muga-zergek. Azalpen gutxi beharko duzue, leku guztietan da berria, Txinako produktuei %10eko zerga eta Kanadako eta Mexikoko produktuei %25eko muga-zergak jarri dizkie. Trumpek... [+]
Greenland, the end of the 10th century. The first Scandinavian explorers and settlers arrived on the island. But by the 15th century these settlements had been abandoned and the original Inuit remained. But in 1721, the missionary Hans Egede organized an expedition and the... [+]