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Talk by Joanes Etxeberri about the forgetfulness of the writer and bertsolari, today, on the occasion of the Ziburu Fair

  • How many ziburutarras know that three books that have been of great importance in the history of Basque literature are written by Joanes Etxeberri de Ziburu in the 17th century? On May 4, Céline Mounole will offer a talk in Ziburu to publicize the work of this writer. This talk aims to foster interest in Basque literature to set up the Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco (Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco) to be held on 4 June in Ziburu.

03 May 2022 - 10:45

This talk has also been organized jointly by the Baltsan and ARGIA association. On May 4, at 19:00 in the House of the People of Ziburu, we will get to know the work of Joanes Etxeberri by the hand of Hiriart-Urruti. "It is not known in its own town, it has neither plaza nor street... it is a reference in the history of the Basque Country and was the starting point of the literary tradition of Ziburu, since then the port of Lapurdi has met 5 other Basque writers in the seventeenth, nineteenth and twentieth centuries and still live in Ziburu 4 contemporary writers", explained the members of the association.

Faith and the passages of everyday life in verse

The work of Joanes Etxeberri de Ziburu is understood as framed in the Catholic counter-reform: The bishopric of Baiona promoted the creation of books in Basque to educate the Basques in the Catholic faith. Etxeberri also wrote at the time of the writers Materre and Axular. However, unlike them, Etxeberri did not write in prose, but in verse, and developed a high-level religious poetry. Along with the fundamental themes of faith, he wrote verses to sing at all times of life, not forgetting the fishermen of his people, who left some wonderful verses to sing in fishing.

Third Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco

The third edition of the Feria del Libro y Disco Vasco will be held on 4 June in Ziburu. This year there are 33 publishers who will show their works.

In this video, the announcement of the fair:

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