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Silk: Back before you go

Argazkia: Ibai Mielgo

20 October 2023 - 09:39
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.


When: 7 October.

Where: Kafe Antzokia from Bilbao.


Tickets exhausted. Zek's end-of-race concert had a clear collar. In addition, there were three concerts at the Kafe Antzokia in Bilbao. The three were "the last", the triple closure before the break. Same number of lines: sold out.

The adventure started in the morning. I read on Zet’s Instagram account what I once suspected (in Pamplona they did the same a few days before). It was a proposal for those of us who had tickets for the concert: “You will be able to hear before anyone the sound universe of the new musical project.” I rushed to the concert in time and couldn't go to the date. I heard about what happened on my concert colleagues' lips. Well, they gave them a couple of helmets at the entrance, and each of them, submerged in their senses, heard the breakthrough of the next ZET album. I was quickly summed up by the experience: “We’ve heard the three songs interspersed in a conversation between Reparaz and Basajaun.” The breakthrough seemed curious to me, as if the group were back before going.

After the concert, the concert started at 21:30. I decided to see it from the top floor of the Kafe Antzokia. It is not the best place for enthusiasts who want to end up impregnated with sweat, but it allows them to see and hear them calmly. Pello Reparaz, Leire Cap, Iban Larreburu and Gorka Pastor appeared in red dresses. Three well-known songs were played immediately after the concert, then the audience looked curiously at group members when pasaba.Pronto things started to happen. Besides singing, Reparaz intervened between synthesizers, thrombones and percussion. The group offered a non-boring performance, especially in the second half of the concert. The look announced the changes and Reparaz appeared white dress on the table. He worked in Catalan and English and the show was marked by the string of electronic melodies.

The clock told us it was about to finish the concert, but we knew the explosion was still immature. To close the lap, Reparaz demonstrated his usual activity: breaking the fourth wall, immersing himself in public. With the thrombin in his hand and the rise of one of these blaffes boxes, Zek created a Akelarre directly. The public's response was huge. The group fired as "Until Later", as at the same concert they announced that they would return to the stage in May and that the tickets were put for sale. The audience was fired with a song back and listeners await the return.

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