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Israel destroys 70% of the streets of Jenin in the latest offensive against the West Bank

  • Water, electricity, food and medicines have become inaccessible in the city of Jenin. At least 26 Palestinians have died since Wednesday in the West Bank as a result of eta violence.

02 September 2024 - 11:52

Israel has launched a major military attack on several cities in the West Bank in the last five days and has caused a massacre, particularly in the city of Jenin and in the refugee camp there. According to the Palestinian authorities in the city, more than 70 per cent of the city’s streets have been destroyed with holes up to 1.5 metres high and 20 kilometres of clean and dirty water. According to Al Yazira, at least 26 Palestinians have died since Wednesday morning of the Zionist Army, although about 50 according to other sources, causing hundreds of injuries. Al Yazira has pointed out that this is "the most brutal aggression ever seen in recent decades."

In Jenin, 50,000 people live and some 20,000 live in the refugee camp. Israel has besieged Jenin since Wednesday. The Army has launched air strikes against the city and the camp, and in recent days the land invasion has also been unleashed. The Zionist Army has cut off water and electricity and prevented the entry of humanitarian aid, including food and the necessary elements for the health system. Several activists have accused Israel of causing collective punishment against the entire population, and have warned that this is a "war crime".

In the West Bank, Israel has mobilized the forces that they have not seen since the second intifada. The United Nations has condemned Israel's actions and accused it of causing "great destruction" in the Palestinian territory. The NGO Doctors Without Borders has denounced that, in addition to hindering access to health, the Zionist army is specifically attacking ambulances. A volunteer doctor, beaten by Israeli soldiers, has denounced that the army has surrounded the hospital where they worked in the city of Jenin and had to cut off the dialysis treatment that was being given to many sick people. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has warned that Israel is not fulfilling its responsibilities as occupying the Afghan nuclear power plant.

In addition to the attacks by Yenin, the West Bank cities of Tulkarem, Tubas and Nablus have also been hit by Israel during the offensive in recent days. The soldiers have burst their houses, destroyed the infrastructure and destroyed the streets of the city. Attacks have also taken place in the city of Hebron, and Al Yazira has reported that all the entrances and exits of the city are closed. In addition to the massacres of the army, they have also been attacked by the Zionist settlers in recent days in Iraq. For example, a group of settlers invests in the small village of Burqa, in eastern Ramallah, and sets him on fire.

Response to Palestinian resistance

Palestinian fighters in the West Bank have also launched a number of attacks on the Israeli Army offensive, which has been arrested. One soldier and three Israeli policemen have died in recent days and at least another has been injured, according to Zionist Army sources quoted on the Internet.

The Islamic Jihad of Palestine has announced the beginning of a "new phase of explosive production" and warned that the enemy "will see influence on the battlefield". The forces of the Al-Quds Brigade have reported that they have launched numerous artifacts in Tubas, Tulkarem and Jenin, and that they have killed Israeli soldiers, although they have not specified the exact figure.

Israel has killed nearly 700 people in the West Bank since 7 October, according to Israeli estimates. At the same time, more than 10,300 Palestinians have been detained and abducted by the Zionist Army in the Arab country.

The conflict is also exacerbated in the region

More actors are increasing attacks on the Zionist regime in recent months and Israel has also attacked several countries in the area. The fear of a regional war is spreading, as many experts in the area have warned. The attacks between Israel and the Lebanese Hizbollah are continuing, despite the fact that the war has not been declared in its entirety. Israel has bombed several cities in southern Lebanon and Hezbollah has launched numerous rockets over the weekend against northern Israel, despite the fact that the Zionist defence system has paralysed the majority.

The Yemeni refugees continue to condition transport through the Red Sea, in solidarity with Palestine. In recent days, more images of the attacks have been published, this time by a Greek oil tanker who allegedly has trade links with Israel. In the video, which was broadcast via social media, several explosions are seen on the surface of the ship, which have shown concern about a possible oil spill.

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