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"People go private because it's faster."

  • Aitor B., a fission that works in Osakidetza, is pleased with the service they provide, but considers that to improve the care must work the proximity.

18 November 2022 - 01:23
Last updated: 10:25

Aitor B. fission has been working in Osakidetza for four years. He doesn't want to give a surname because he doesn't want to influence work. He has been performing replacements for four years and has worked in several hospitals around him. He has a positive look at the service and working conditions: “The service in general is good, but we lack proximity.”

Before dealing with fissions, the patient must pass a filter of three people: the physician of the health center, the traumatologist and the rehabilitation physician. “Even if things are done right, reaching us can be a three-month process,” he explains. He denounces that this strengthens the private: “People go private because it’s faster: they call you, they give you the turn and you pay. Fast, personalized and close, but in exchange for money.” Therefore, he insists that in order to improve care, we must work on proximity and accessibility: “It’s hard to reach the fission.”

Different care improvement projects are being developed to care for patients in the health centers themselves. “We have to bear in mind that physiotherapy is a very young discipline that is still on its way.” He also stressed the need to enhance the knowledge of fissions: “We should strengthen the knowledge of each fission; in medicine the specialties are very clear and in nursing increasingly. I'm not saying we have to specialize, but we do assume more responsibilities."

As for their operation, they are organised in different areas and organised differently. The current hospital has 30 minutes to be with each patient: “As you have already had a previous diagnosis, you know how you are going to work, so it’s OK to give you good attention.” There's an hour to work on more complex cases. However, other centers have 20-minute shifts for the usual cases.

Many workers seek stability in the private: "In Osakidetza many times you don't know when you're going to work, just as you're two weeks out of work and then with a long contract."

He has been working for four years and since then he has been making replacements: “It’s the most common thing when we start working.” They have two lists for opponents and those who have not. In addition, there is the possibility of long or short substitutions: “As I am behind the lengths they call me from the shorts.” If a job is rejected there are often penalties, such as delaying the list or not calling for six months. “Although they say no because there are few workers, they call again.”

The reason for the fission is that many workers seek private stability: “In Osakidetza many times you don’t know when you’re going to work, just as you’re two weeks out of work and then on a long contract. Therefore, people go private, have a year’s pay and stay quiet.” It adds that many times because these are small days it does not cover all the costs: “I have little expense and it doesn’t give me, especially we are young.”

However, she considers it a good opportunity to finish her studies and start working: “You don’t have much stability, but you don’t need much.” In addition, he believes that it allows further study. “Starting at age 30, priorities change.” For fission the “hardest” is to start: “At first I did half a day in summer, then I was almost half a year without working, and after that I’ve been very relieved and linked one job after another.”

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