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The Bolivian president was self-proclaimed sentenced to ten years in prison for beating the state to Añez

  • The weekend sets a precedent for those trying to give a coup in Bolivia, condemning ten years in prison against former Senator Jeanine Añez, former Military Commander Williams Kaliman and former Police Commander Yuri Calderón.

13 June 2022 - 08:31
Añez Mirafloresko espetxean, duela urtebetetik preso dago.
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

"We have taken the first step to recover Memory, Truth and Justice, no more coups d'état in our country," said Bolivia's Minister of Justice and Transparency, Ivan Lima, in statements to journalists, as the agency Prensa Latina has gathered.

Three people have been imprisoned for a decade and four years against Jorge Elmer Fernández and Sergio Orellana, three against Jorge Pastor Mendieta and two against Flavio Gustavo Arce.

Previously, Gonzalo Occidente, former commander of the Air Forces and the Army, and Palmiro Jarjury, respectively, accepted their guilt and sentenced them to three years ' imprisonment.

Opposition leader Carlos Mesa urged the European Union and other international institutions to intervene on the threshold of the ruling, since, according to his words, the impeachment of Evo Morales was not a coup d'état, "but a succession", the succession, in Spanish.

According to the Bolivian Department of Justice, the rights and guarantees of all parties have been respected and the sentence has been the result of an appropriate process.

"Despite the lies, the traps, the inclusive when he is ill or dying, justice punishes Áñez, who assaulted power in the coup d'état, and his accomplices. The 10-year prison sentence is a benign punishment for the damage they caused to democracy," former leader Evo Morales wrote on Twitter.

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