On Tuesday afternoon several members of the Khalas group of Uribe Kosta joined the Basque Government in Bilbao. In order to denounce the "complicity that the regional government has in the occupation of Palestine and in the massacre in Gaza", they opened a banner that links the government with Israel, stained with red paint to represent the blood of the Palestinians. On top several people on their knees with their eyes covered and their hands tied, as the Zionists have shown to the Palestinian prisoners. Within 10 minutes of the initiative, several Ertzaines appeared, dragging Khalas members into the street and identifying everyone.
The initiators of the initiative have recalled that in the 2020 Basque Government’s Internationalisation Strategy the Basque Government considers Israel as a priority partner in its trade relations with the Middle East. Part of this strategy has been the CAF Convention for the Construction of an Apartheid Train which will unite the Israeli colonies in the occupied territories of Jerusalem and the West Bank. "The Basque Government is a shareholder partner of CAF and therefore has hands stained of stolen land, families expelled and impoverished, arbitrary arrests and torture, unpunished killings and other human rights violations," they say.
Khalas explained that it is necessary to point out to the institutions and companies that work with the Zionists to end the genocide and the Palestinian occupation. "Until we achieve the decolonization of Palestine we will continue to denounce complicity," the group said.
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