On Wednesday, International Day of Serious Violations of Human Rights and the Right to Truth, the Basque Government has sent the family all the documentation it has about the disappearance of José Miguel Etxeberria Alvarez Naparra. The event took place in Donostia-San Sebastián and the report was taken up by Eneko Etxeberria Álvarez, brother of Naparra. Bertha Gaztelumendi, director of the report, Jon Mirena Landa, and the Director of Human Rights, Victims and Diversity of the Basque Government, Monika Hernando, have been present.
The report, prepared by the Unesco Chair of Human Rights and Public Authorities of the UPV/EHU, aims to promote an effective investigation to clarify the Naparra case. Since its disappearance on 11 June 1980, it has been investigated to what extent the Spanish State has worked to clarify the case; the conclusions suggest that there has been an injustice, since attempts to clarify the case so far have not been effective if they are considered from international human rights law.
José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez Naparra was a member of ETA and later of the Anticapitalist Autonomous Commands. In 1978, Ipar Euskal Herria was exiled and disappeared 41 years ago, on 11 June 1980. Since then, his family has been trying to find the body.
The investigation into the case began for the first time in 1980 and was archived without taking into account that behind the disappearance there was State terrorism, according to the report prepared by the UPV/EHU, the evidence was not properly analysed. Seventeen years later, the case was reopened on the initiative of the family, which filed a complaint. The case was in court for five years, but the judge and the prosecutor, far from being proactive, say the authors of the UPV/EHU report.
Until 2017 the case had been re-established, when the relatives managed to have a recognition in the forest of Mont-de-Marsan, where there were many specimens. The body did not appear, but there are indications that would justify a second evacuation, even though the necessary authorization has not been obtained so far. The rapporteurs request that this investigation be carried out proactively.
Mont de Marsanetik (Landak) gertuko harizti batean bilatu zituzten Jose Miguel Etxeberria Naparra-ren gorpuzkiak apirilaren 4an, baina ez zuten ezer aurkitu. Naparra han lurperatu zutela esan zuen estatu terrorismoari lotutako iturria bilatzeko agindua eman du orain Ismael... [+]
Jendarmeriaren talde espezializatu bat, Paco Etxeberria auzitegi-medikuak lagunduta eta epaileak aginduta, Jose Miguel Etxeberria Naparraren gorpuzkiak aurkitzen saiatuko da astearte goizean. Mont de Marsanetik (Landak) gertuko harizti batean egingo dute bilaketa, iturri... [+]
The burial of their dead is one of the ways to make peace with the past. Another, but in the long run less effective, is the forgetfulness of the past. But sometimes apologists forget the forgetfulness that everyone has to forget their unburied dead (or learn to forget them, or... [+]
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