Topographic control is identified in the 2017 report of the Environmental Monitoring Programme and its conclusions (translated into wording): "The settlements recorded in the monitoring milestones are normal, taking into account the stage at which the residues deposited in them are located and that the landfill continues to be exploited in the area above these checkpoints. These settlements have quite significant horizontal displacement, but the speed of this displacement is decreasing. It is recommended to follow the current auscultation program to verify that slope movements decrease".
Also in the 2018 Environmental Monitoring Program, topographic control points out in the conclusions section: "We continue to detect quite significant horizontal displacements in the controls stubble towards the slope's greater slope, but from the start of the auscultation, the speed of the displacements tends to decrease. In this 2018, an acceleration of the speed of the horizontal displacement has been detected, probably due to the execution of the upper platform, which is located near the control milestones. It is recommended to continue with the quarterly auscultation program to demonstrate the evolution of horizontal movements.
On 21 January, Verter sent the Basque Government the I. Phase closure project. The Annexes include the stability project prepared by Lurtek and dated May. Surveyors concluded that "the landfill was stable, with its current configuration".
On 9 February, in response to the Basque Government’s request for the landfill to collapse, Verter sent to the Basque Government the 2018 Stability Report, prepared by Geyser, which does not mention anything in its conclusions.
Visiting urban waste collection and reduction sites should be a compulsory school tour. Open a cookie pack to swallow two inner cookies and mentally construct the package surface path. The shame of human activity lies in destiny. Ultimate desolate landscape of the sins of... [+]