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Ikastolen Elkartea will present its proposal to balance the schooling of students of foreign origin

  • The school year was highly valued by the school. It has addressed hot topics, including the situation of Seaska and Navarre schools, the controversial Education Law for the UAE, language models or the equitable schooling of students with special needs.

10 July 2018 - 11:36
Zarata mediatikoz beteriko garai nahasiotan, merkatu logiketatik urrun eta irakurleengandik gertu dagoen kazetaritza beharrezkoa dela uste baduzu, ARGIA bultzatzera animatu nahi zaitugu. Geroz eta gehiago gara, jarrai dezagun txikitik eragiten.

The French government is aggressive against the schools. “The French Government, together with the Ministry of Education, has embarked on a brutal colonialist and destructive policy against minority languages, and schools are being directly affected by this policy. As a result of the increase in enrolment, the French Government has refused to provide the 25 additional teachers required by Seaskan schools, only 5.5. But that’s not enough, and in the final test that they have to do at the end of the school year, the Brebeta, in addition to eliminating the possibility of doing it in Basque, has made the decision not to correct the tests in the sciences that they have done in Basque.”

Navarrese school accounts under magnifying glass. “This year the Chamber of Accounts of Navarre has carried out two studies on the public money received by the schools, following the requests made by the UPN and the PSN, on the one hand, and the Podemos group, on the other. We've had the money accounts of almost every school in Navarre. In any case, we have nothing to hide, and the Chamber of Accounts of Navarre has confirmed this in the two reports it has made: the students have blank accounts.” Now, at the request of Navarra Confidencial, the evaluation also highlights that they will explore the accounts of the Association of Navarre Ikastolas (and other actors in the dialect): “The fact that we have to walk like this every time shows us that there are sectors in Navarre that want to play hard against the ikastolas.”

Proposal for an Educational Agreement and the Education Law. Ikastol believes that the Basque Government’s Department of Education is slow to approve the proposal for an Educational Agreement. “It is true that the proposal has shortcomings and has not received the approval of all educational agents. Among those who have not given their approval, however, it can be seen that they have taken this position because they are opposed to what will come if the proposal is implemented, the Education Law.” The new Education Law would cover all networks, not only schools with public ownership, as has been the case so far, and this is one of the main sources of debate.

The Spanish language. The immersion model is urgent. “The proposal for the Education Agreement includes that students must reach the B1 level in Basque at the end of Primary Education and the B2 level at the end of Compulsory Secondary Education. These objectives are far from being achieved, not only for students studying in Models A and B, but also for many students studying in Model D (...) That is why we ask the Basque Government to act with determination and determination and to receive in the Educational Agreement that the immersion model is the most effective to achieve the objectives that are grouped as basic principles, eliminating language models”.

Schooling of students of foreign origin with low socioeconomic status. “The debate about the great imbalance between schools in the schooling of students of foreign origin and its risk of segregation has been one of the main topics of this course in Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa (...) The main reason for the current imbalance is that the Basque Government has used the schooling of these students to fill rooms at risk of closure. Students of foreign origin are particularly enrolled outside the period of enrolment. Students who arrive outside of the enrolment period cannot enrol directly in one or the other school; the Basque Government decides where they will enrol, through the School Placement Committees (an organ of the Department of Education, totally technical). And almost always, it directs the student to the school in danger in the corresponding locality. This partly explains why the schools do not reach the numbers of students of foreign origin that correspond to our number of enrolments (...) For this reason, the School Boards cannot continue to rely exclusively on technicians. We must also be agents of education (...) Ikastola is inclusive, it has not closed the door to anyone because of their country of origin, belief, disability, disease... because we are all different and this diversity enriches us”. The Association of Ikastolas anticipates that they have studied the subject and will present the proposal at the beginning of the next academic year.

The new Vocational Training Act. “A new law on vocational training was passed a few days ago in the Basque Parliament. We are carefully studying the contents of this law, but what we can anticipate is that when it comes to the Basque language, it is now the same as the Basque language, and that it is a step back from basing the world of work, being already far behind.”

New Law of the School Council of Euskadi. “A few days ago the new School Council Law was approved and, once again, we have not been accepted as members, although two opposition parties (EH Bila and the Podemos group) have proposed that the students be members of the Council.”


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